Frustrations and Silence

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Andy sits on his bunk, packing all of his clothes and items away in his 2 suitcases. He feels restless, wanting to get home asap. They are in San Francisco now, which is about 6 hours away. They stop at a small restaurant called Fable. 

Andy pokes at his Mac n cheese, not wanting to waste any time but understands that some of the bad want to stretch their legs. As much as Andy loves the band and everyone is sticking around Los Angeles to record more music, he rather keep driving. 

He tunes out their conversations, imagining waking Remington up when he gets home, kissing on his naked collar bone until he is fully awake. He would passionately kiss him, holding his wrists down on the bed and take control of every inch of him, showing how much he missed his husband. Remington would be uncontrollably moaning and screaming out every time Andy touches him in a good spot. He would make him come at least three times, leaving him panting and sweating in exhaustion. They would fall asleep naked on top of each other. In the morning, they would take a very sensual bubble bath and do it all over again, until Remington couldn't take any more. He would then help his husband out and cook him breakfast, serving it to him in bed because his legs are too weak. Shit he will even take his glucose test for him, knowing how scared the sudden jab makes him.

He smiles, having it all planned out and ready to go. He pays for everyone's last meal together and they all get back on the bus, ready to drive the rest of the way. Andy slips into his bunk and plays games on his phone until he falls asleep, speeding up time.

His phone rings, making him sit up quickly. He rubs his eyes from the fogginess and looks at the time, saying it was 1:42. He looks at the caller ID and it's Sebastian.

"Hello?" He says groggily, pulling up Google Maps to see where they are at.

"Andy, how far away are you?" Sebastian asks quickly.

" just woke me up hold on let me see it's loading. We are in Conner, so like an hour and a half." He yawns, stretching his arms. "Everything okay?"

"Um...Andy... Rem had a heart attack this afternoon."

His stomach drops.

"Why am I just now fucking hearing about it?? I would have caught a flight! What happened? Is he okay?"

"Look, we've been stressed to all hell. We didn't want to stress you out while you couldn't do anything. They have been doing tests on him all day to see what happened. His blood sugar was dangerously low again and his heart was beating like crazy. He was throwing up all morning and they think that's what did him in."

"Why the fuck was he drinking Seb? You shouldn't have let him! And he hasn't been checking his sugar! I told you to look after him!"

"I know...I know..." Sebastian says tiredly, "All I know is that he's alive right now. I don't know if he's stable or what. We haven't gotten an update in over two hours. They just told us about his blood tests. They won't let us in the ICU because we aren't his spouse."

"I can't fucking do this, I knew this would happen." Andy hangs up the phone and calls the hospital directly, finding out what is happening to his husband.

"Are you Remington Biersack's husband?"

"I am," he says lowly.

"Okay sir so he did suffer from a heart attack earlier today and lost consciousness. His blood sugar was almost low enough to put him in a coma. He developed an arrythmia that we are monitoring now. His blood pressure also has been low. His malnourishment and caffeine intake are what caused this."

Andy gulps, while Lonny sits next to him, hearing Andy in distress.

"So is he okay now? Or what's the next steps. Has he gotten anything done?"

"We did an ECG as soon as he came in and it showed he was currently having a heart attack. We ended up doing an angioplasty on him. We inject dye into his arteries and veins to show where there is a blockage. We put in a stent to open up his artery and sent him off to CT and an echo to see the extent of the damage. He is currently having the echo done which is an ultrasound. He should be back soon."

"So he is stable, right?"

"As of right now no. The arrythmia is causing him great issues. With how weak his body already is due to malnourishment it's making his case more difficult. He will be staying in the ICU for now. Will you be coming here any time soon?"

"I'm about an hour away now."

"Okay. Go to the main entrance in the hospital and they'll guide you on where to go. I will see you when you get here."

Andy hangs up and rubs his face. "He ended up having a heart attack. He did it. His fucking brother didn't watch him enough. He wasn't checking his blood sugar and he almost fucking died. He wasn't eating. Now they are saying he isn't fucking stable. If I see his goddamn brother I'm killing him. Instead of shoving alcohol in his face he should have been helping him like he promised he would." 

Lonny hugs him tight, worried for his friend.

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