Texts and Chips

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After sitting in a park with some fish and chips, the couple lazily walks back to the venue location. Remington is still feeling horrible but Andy made him feel much better once they separated from everyone and had some one on one time. Remington yawns while walking up the strip, holding Andy's hand loosely.

"Ands I'm too tired for this shit."

Andy chuckles, kissing his cheek quickly. "Want me to carry you?"

Remington nods and jumps on Andy's back, snuggling into the back of his neck. Andy holds his thighs steady and walks the short distance. Once they get back, they both get back on the tour bus and take a much needed nap. Andy still holds Remington close and they fall asleep in peace 

The show was the same as others. Rude people in the crowd but everyone else was fine. Remington made sure to take a small break to drink some juice to appease his husband and he's happy that his food finally stayed down. The interview was garbage but the anxiety from it is over. Remington even managed to stay to greet VIP which was a huge step for him. It'll get better. 



The band decided to go to a pub afterwards for drinks and food. The boys have been restless and wanted to party some. All the time in the bus has been becoming stuffy and they have their own sort of cabin fever.

"Remi, are you sure you aren't coming with us?" Emerson asks, rubbing his brothers head gently. 

"Come on Rem loosen up," Sebastian groans, wanting to have left already.

"It might be good for some fresh air babe..." Andy whispers in his ear, rubbing his hand.

"I swear to God you guys go have fun," Remington chuckles. "I want to watch The Office and sleep. Andy go have fun and be with them. Bring me back some like cheesy pub fries though okay?"

Andy frowns, kissing his forehead. "Okay. But you call me if you don't feel good or anything happens at all, no matter how small. Okay?"

Remington smiles and nods, waiting for them to leave eventually. Once they leave the bus, Remington opens his messages app and sees more texts come through. His stomach drops more but is thankful that everyone left. He sobs loudly, opening the messages.

Unknown- Did you like my surprise?

Unknown- I wanted everyone to see my baby. You are so cute

Unknown- I was at your show tonight, did you see me? I definitely saw you 😉

Unknown- I will find you again baby. Just you wait

Unknown- Andy doesn't deserve you. You are such a fine piece of ass. I fucking own you

Remington whimpers, feeling chills go down his spine. I didn't see him at the show...

Remington- Please stop. I can't do this. I'm finally at a better place in my life and you are ruining it. I don't know what else to do. You almost killed me how many times? Please leave me alone...

Unknown- Oh baby baby baby. I can never leave you alone. I'm hooked. You will see me again very soon. 

Remington feels himself start to twitch and shake. I can't fucking do this. I need Andy. God I need Andy. I should have gone with. 

He dials his husband's number, biting his nails while he waits. 

He hears laughter in the background and it is really loud. "Baby are you okay? Is everything okay?"

Remington relaxes to his voice while he lays back down in the bed. "I'm okay. I just started having a little bit of anxiety and needed to hear your voice."

"Oh Rem, do you need me to come back? I can sweetheart."

"No, no babe. I already feel loads better after hearing your voice. Just don't forget to bring me cheesy fries and maybe a burger? I'm going to sleep until you get home lovely."

"Okay darling. I promise babe you call me the instant you need anything. I can come to you I don't care."

"Don't be silly Ands. Go have fun and get drunk. Just please don't go dancing with guys I don't know," Remington chuckles nervously. 

"I promise I won't. I love you."

"I love you too."

Remington hangs up, feeling slightly better. He will tell Andy about the texts when he gets home. He cuddles into Andy's pillow and smiles, drifting off to sleep quickly. 

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