Letting Go and Past Mistakes

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"It's okay, it's okay baby. Don't stress too much lovey okay?" Andy hugs him tight, feeling his shakes from his sobs.

"I can't do this Andy I can't!" Remington sobs out. "I can't do this anymore!"

"Yes you can baby. You are strong. You are brave. You are my Remi."

"No Andy it's not fucking fair! I can't with do this anymore. Why did we even get back together oh my god. I can't do this. We can't do this. Just fucking leave Andy."

Andy frowns and pulls his jaw up slightly so his husband is looking at him. "Why would you say such a thing. You just said you were happy and in love with me and begged me to stay. You begged and pleaded Remington and I tried telling you no multiple times. I'm staying for you because you asked. You should have just let me leave if you didn't want this." He releases Remington and sits back, confused and heartbroken.

"Andy this isn't fucking fair to you. I can't keep doing this to you." He whimpers, pulling his knees to his chest. "I'm this feeble weak piece of shit of a husband that can't take care of myself ever. You are always coming in and saving the day. We are here talking about my mental health when we should be talking about yours. Your no good slutty ass husband who just got done cheating on you is having another catastrophe yet again and you get no peace. How many times have I been in the hospital? How many times have I overdosed? When I fucking died in front of you after almost bleeding to death from cutting my wrists or when Austin cut my goddamn ballsack off making me go into septic shock? You watched me die Andy more than anyone else should have! Remember sticking you fucking fingers down my throat to get me to throw up the meds I took? I'm pathetic! Useless!"

He sobs hard, hiding his face into his knees. Andy sits there speechless and eyes widened. 

After five minutes of uncontrollable sobbing, Remington breathes deep. "Get your lawyer to reprint the divorce papers. I'll sign them. But please don't find me ever again. Go find someone who isn't anorexic and can take care of you."

Andy gets up quietly and steps out of the room.

I knew he would leave. I don't blame him a bit. Please go find your happiness Andy.

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