Punches and Bruises

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It's now 4 and Remington hears his door open and Ashley steps in, throwing his keys on the table next to the door.

"Oh honey I'm home! Where is my sexy little boyfriend?"

"Living room!" He yells, playing with his fingers nervously.

Ashley steps in and frowns, "You didn't work out today."

"Um...no?" Remington looks at him confused, biting his bottom lip.

"After our huge dinner yesterday you need to! You are going to get fatter Rem."

Ashley pulls a little bit on Remington's side, making him groan in pain.

"I'm not fat Ash shut up. Just sit down, I want to talk."

Ashley rolls his eyes and sits down, putting his arm around Remington. Remington instead sits up straighter and continues to play with his fingers.

"Listen. There's no way to ease into it. But I don't think we are working out Ash. I'm sorry."

Ashley frowns, "Are you fucking joking?"

He continues to bite his lip out of nervousness and rubs his thighs instead of fumbling. "Ash...I miss my husband. It's no hard feelings towards you. But me and him were only on a break. You know this."

Ashley rolls his eyes and stands up. "Fucking slut. You think he wants you? He found someone else already babe."

Remington's stomach drops and he looks down, "I don't know what you know but I'm telling you my truth. It's just not working out between us. I'm so sorry. I want you to find someone who-"

Ashley grabs Remington by the collar of his shirt and pulls him up to shove him against the wall.

"Ash? Wha-what are you doing..."

He grabs his jaw tightly and smiles, kissing his lips. "You aren't leaving me baby boy. I found the perfect twink. You think I'm just going to let you go?"

Remington tries to push him off but Ashley smacks him hard against his face instead, making him gasp out loud in pain.

He pulls out his phone and shows him a picture of a paparazzi page.

"He found someone else Rem bug. He's also in a famous band. He replaced your little slutty ass. So good luck trying to leave baby."

Remington whimpers and gets smacked again, crying out.

"Be a good little boy and keep that pretty mouth shut okay? Or unless if you wanna get on your knees right now..."

"Ash please quit this isn't funny!" Remington pushes his chest but Ashley punches him in the face, knocking him down on the floor. Remington throws his fallen off shoe at him and tries to run, but Ashley grabs his hips and pulls him close, wrestling him to the floor.

"Get off get off get off!" Remington yells, wriggling in his grasp. Ashley laughs and punches him again, making his nose bleed. He pulls down Remington's pants and his own and takes what's his, despite all the screaming and pleads from his boyfriend.

15 minutes later Ashley pulls his pants back up, smiling evilly at his exhausted boyfriend on the floor.

"Go clean yourself up. Your ugly little face is all bruised now. Remember, you wanted this." Ashley walks back out the door and leaves Remington sobbing on the floor. Ashley was kinky and liked to play dom but never to this degree...

He takes a quick shower and hears his phone go off. He gulps when he sees who it's from.

Andy- Hey, um I'm in town. Are you at our place? Do you mind if I stop by for a little bit? I can bring dinner.

Remington quickly dries himself off and steps out of the shower, pulling out some makeup to cover the bruises.

Remington- Yeah, give me about an hour? Are you coming alone or with someone?

Andy- No just me. Is there anyone else over there? I rather it just be us for this.

Remington gulps and continues dabbing at the bruises until they are completely covered.

Remington- It'll be just me here. Just come in whenever you get here

He puts on a black pair of skinnies that holes show off both his knees and a black button up shirt, sleeves rolled back with a pair of suspenders. He pairs it with a pair of Vans and spikes his hair. He adds a bit of black eyeshadow and smiles when he's done. It looks like there is no bruising at all.

He hurries downstairs and cleans up the mess from their fight. There is just a little bit of blood on the floor and some broken glass. Once he's done he sits back on the couch and waits anxiously, fumbling with his hands and fingers. Soon later he hears a quiet knock, then the door opens. 

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