Anger and Pounds

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Remington groans, rolling over and stretching his arms and legs. He keeps his eyes closed and realizes his head is in Andy's lap. Oh shit he knows I'm awake. He's going to be so pissed... He groans again, feeling the waves of nausea and the migraine hitting him.

"Water..." He whimpers, snuggling against Andy's thighs.

"Yeah I don't think so." Andy says bluntly. Yep, he's pissed.

"Please baby, I love you," Remington whimpers, rubbing the man's thighs gently.

"You mean after I had to find you in the arms of another fucking guy? After you left the show without telling anyone and had me worrying sick? What if something happened Remi? You didn't have your goddamn phone, you never got ahold of me, nothing! What would have happened if I never came huh? Would I have found you dead in a fucking ditch after they had their way with you?"

Remington opens his eyes and sits up, whimpering while holding his head. "He was just a friend Ands. I wasn't going out to cheat on you or anything. I would have had the phone if you would have given it to me you know...instead of going through it."

Andy scoffs, leaning over and tying up his boots. "Just a friend huh? The one that was complimenting you the other day? The one that made you blush on stage? Whatever Remington. If that's who you want then have him."

He storms off, leaving his husband behind to nurse his own hangover. Remington slowly stands up, walking to the fridge to get a bottle of water. The bus is surprisingly empty. He swallows three Tylenol pills and gulps down the water, slowly walking back to his bunk. Today and tomorrow are their days off but it looks like the couple will keep it separate. Remington grabs his phone from the other side of the bed and texts his husband, feeling guilty as all hell.

Remington- Baby I just want you. I'm sorry. I promise I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to have some fun with people who didn't really know me, you know? I thought it would be okay. I should have told you before I left and I should have texted you from someone's phone at least. Pls forgive me? I miss you...

He sees the text bubbles pop up instantly and he freezes, waiting for him to lash out.

Andy- I am so fcking disappointed in u Rem. Seriously. After what the media is saying u went and proved them right. How can I trust u??? U kept Williams texts from me too. What else r u hiding?

Remington- I wasn't ready to talk about William baby. You had just gotten back from the pub and didn't sleep with me that night. I wanted to wait until we could like sit down and talk peacefully. Pls come back? Pls?

The door opens quickly and Remington stands up from the bunk, wobbling on his feet but meeting his husband. Andy stands in front of him, his arms crossed and his face is obviously pissed.

"What if you got murdered? Huh?" Andy yells, making Remington flinch.

"They got you so fucking drunk you couldn't walk! You couldn't even stand! Do you know how easy it would have been to take advantage of you? Two fucking men! Both taller and stronger than you! Is that what you want? To be raped to death?"

Remington shakes his head quickly, the guilt piling in his stomach.

"I could have fucking lost you. My baby, gone for fucking ever. I told you not to leave my side with this William shit going on. What if they worked for him?"

Remington steps forward, grabbing the bottom of Andy's shirt. "Ands, I'm so fucking sorry..."

"Sorry isn't good enough Rem! We were all so worried! God I can strangle you right now!"

Remington gulps and nods, biting his bottom lip. Andy watches his husband's lips and pushes him against the counter, shoving his tongue inside the younger's mouth. Remington jumps up on the counter top and grabs Andy's hair, kissing him passionately. Andy bites roughly on Remington's bottom lip, making them bleed and swell.

Andy grabs Remington's jaw and forces them to look eye to eye. "Who do you belong to?"

"You!" Remington pants, needing more.

"That's right baby." Andy picks his husband up and shoves them in their bunk, stripping his clothes quickly. Remington strips down to his boxers and crawls up to Andy, knowing what Andy wants him to do. Andy lays back on his elbow and holds Remington's head with his hand, shoving his mouth down on his cock.

Tears flow down Remington's face but he loves every second of it, tasting Andy's precum on his tongue. "Are you ever going to run away from me again you little whore?"

Remington gasps, "No," when his head is pulled off of his husband for the split second. He then is shoved back down again, forcing him deeper each time. Andy arches his back and moans loudly, smiling at the gagging noises Remington is making. He then roughly pulls him off and shoves him on his stomach, pulling his ass up in the air.

Andy quickly lubes himself up and shoves it deep into Remington with no prep.

"Fuck Andy!!!" He screams in pain, feeling the man not wait for him to adjust and starts fucking him hard. Soon the pain and the pleasure mix, Remington is desperately grabbing the sheets and moaning loudly.

"Such... A .....good.... Little.....slut...." Andy pounds into him after every word.

"Yes Daddy!" Remington screams, his orgasm becoming apparent. He releases into the bed, a loud moan being stretched out from his lips.

Andy chuckles and keeps violently penetrating him, smacking his ass in the process. "Get ready to come again you little whore." He grabs his neck and pulls his husband closer to his chest, choking him in the process. Remington grabs at his hands and whimpers loudly, the pleasure clouding everything around him. The familiar feeling starts creeping back and his knees are shaking against the bed. His stomach becomes hot and he can't hold it in.

"Andy!!" He yells, gasping when he unloads onto the bed a second time. Andy lets him go and grabs onto his hips, giving him five vicious poundings until he spills all over his back, panting in relief. Remington is on his stomach and his eyes glazed over, this is the perfect high. Small pants escape his lips and he is unaware of where he even is. Heaven if anything.

Andy kisses down his back gently, licking the sweat from his back. "We need to have angry sex more often."

Remington nods, closing his eyes and smiling. The hangover is completely gone and all he can feel is Andy's come all over his butt and back.

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