Paparazzi and Sex Tapes

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Remington is packing his suitcase for tour while Andy does the same. Their first show is going to be in London tomorrow. The tour is 12 weeks long this time, sure to make an impact to their fans. Andy decided he is going to go for most of it to support his husband, making up for lost time.

Once they get on the plane Remington instantly falls asleep on Andy's shoulder, making the older smile. He adores his husband so much he can't stand it. He rests his head against Remington's, breathing in his scent and slowly falling asleep. That's his baby. The love of his life.

Remington wakes up suddenly when the flight attendants are having everyone buckle their seatbelts, half lazily putting his on and doing the same for Andy. Andy yawns and stretches, eventually wrapping his arms around the younger.

"We're in London babes," Remington mumbles.

"Are your brothers already at the tour bus?"

"Mmm probably their flights were before ours."

Andy groans and stands up once everyone else does, helping his husband up as well. They get off the plane and Remington follows Andy to find their luggage. He turns his phone on and He gets several text notifications.

Sebastian- Did you make it to the plane yet?

Sebastian- Emerson and I just landed

Sebastian- eloooo

Emerson- help, he's driving me crazy. Shoulda flown with u

Emerson- I'm going to sleep on the bus. Meet u soon

Unknown- Hello darling, haven't heard from me in a bit huh? I miss you 🌹

Unknown- Are you excited for Europe? I am too xx

Unknown- I have a surprise for you

Sebastian- Maybe one day you will have the decency to let me know you are fine and like made it on the plane. Thank god for Andy

Emerson- um remi have u checked twitter???

Emerson- bro there's a video of u fucking some guy. Who is it?! R u ok?

Sebastian- Remington, have you checked online? Don't freak out. We will sort this

Sebastian- I'm calling a lawyer now. Breathe. 

Remington's stomach drops, confused as all hell. "Hey, um Ands?" He shows Andy his phone and Andy scrolls through it all, looking equally as confused.

"Don't get online. Let me. You need to relax baby. Just go look for the luggage yeah?"

Remington gulps and nods, shakily waiting for their suitcases to roll up. He looks over at Andy and his eyebrows are furrowed in deep concentration on his phone. Once Remington grabs their suitcases he slowly walks to Andy.

"Is everything okay?" The younger whispers, his heart pounding in his chest.

Andy looks up at him and frowns, grabbing both the bags. "Call your brother and tell him to come get us."

"You didn't answer me..." Remington whimpers, feeling anxiety creep up on him.

"Baby we will talk on the bus. Not in front of a whole lot of people." Andy looks pissed to all hell. What did I do now?

Remington calls Sebastian who says he is already there and waiting and both men walk out, finding the bus and heading up into it. Just Sebastian and Emerson are on and Remington looks back at Andy, confused and scared. Andy finds them a bunk and pulls Remington close to his chest, hugging him tightly.

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