Lows and Food

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A tall dark haired doctor walks in and smiles at Andy. "Hi I'm Dr. Collace, are you Remington's husband?"

Andy nods, introducing himself.

Dr. Collace instructs a nurse to take Remington's blood pressure again.

"So his heart rate is in the 30's, we will see what his blood pressure is again but it was really low last check. His blood sugar is also extremely low at 45 mg. You did the right thing bringing him in because he most likely wouldn't have survived another day."

"67 over 42 doctor!"

"Right now he isn't doing so good but don't stress, alright? We are going to wake him up and see if we can get his numbers higher." 

The doctor nudges Remington until he wakes up, Remington jumping at another person's touch.

"Hi Remington I'm Dr Collace, I'm just taking care of you okay? We want you to feel better. You need an injection first so don't freak out."

Remington's eyes widen and he looks at Andy. "I'm scared of needles babe."

Andy chuckles and hugs him. "It'll be okay. Where do you put it in at?"

"His buttocks," she smiles.

Remington blushes and hides his face into Andy's chest. 

The brunette nurse opens the back of Remington's gown and pulls down his boxers.

"Okay Mr. Biersack are you ready?"

"Nonononono please no." He mumbles into Andy's chest.

"Okay, 1, 2, 3!" She tries to inject it and Remington jolts, yipping. 

"Okay darling you just broke my needle," she laughs nervously. Let me get a new one but you have to stay still."

"Andy I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared," he tears up.

"Baby it's just a small needle in your sexy little butt. You can handle it. Squeeze my hand and close your eyes baby."

The nurse comes back with a male nurse who holds Remington's hips down, making him squeal in fear. She is funky able to inject it a d Andy rubs Remington's hair.

"Big baby," Andy mumbles.

Remington whimpers, "It hurts!" 

They put fludrocortison in his IV and he relaxes. Another hospital staff comes in and brings a tray of food, water, sprite, and a cup of broth.

"Please try to eat it all, okay sugar plum?" She says, putting the tray in front of him.

Remington groans when Andy opens it and it's grilled chicken, rice, and broccoli. 

"I'm not hungry," he whimpers to Andy.

Andy sighs, grabbing his hand. "Do you not like the food or you don't want to eat?"

Remington looks down, "I'll get fat," he whispers.

"Fuck Ashley. Baby you almost died because of him. You aren't dying on my watch. So please, please eat your food."

Remington whimpers and nibbles on the chicken and rice to please his husband. He can only eat half of the plate but he drinks all of the sprite and broth. Andy rubs his head gently and Remington closes his eyes.

"I feel sick..."

"Try to keep it down baby...if it becomes too much I'll get you something to throw up in but please try to keep it down okay?" 

"Just let me sleep."

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