Flirts and Chis

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Remington woke up feeling chilly. He squinted his eyes open at the sun in his eyes. He reaches around the bed and doesn't feel the warmth of his husband. He frowns, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He checks his phone and sees more texts from William so he clears the notifications, trying to erase him from his mind. Where the fuck is Andy? He slowly stands up and yawns loudly, finding everyone asleep on the couches and floors. Andy is sitting with his head laid back, snoring loudly. Sebastian is laying with his head on his lap and the alcohol reeks from between them. He sees the box of pub fries on the table and the smell of it so early makes his stomach ill. Remington throws it away, feeling kind of pissed that Andy never came to bed last night. Yeah he told him to have some fun but he didn't mean get black out drunk either.

Remington quickly gets dressed in an oversized sweater and skinny jeans, throwing on a pair of combat boots along with his wallet and phone before he steps off the bus. He puts his ear buds in and tunes out the world, walking down unknown streets. He keeps his head down low, gazing up occasionally at the shops and people sitting for breakfast. His stomach growls and it tells him to find a cafe. He's been craving muffins like crazy. He finds a cute hole in a wall cafe and it reeked of coffee. It made his stomach growl more and he ordered a hot chai latte along with a chocolate muffin and a cake pop. He goes and sits outside at a table, relaxing into his music and food. Everything tastes incredible.

He pulls out the notes app on his phone, trying to think of any song lyrics he can jot down. All he can think about is the texts he received last night and the thought makes him nauseous. Now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't have gone out by myself. He shrugs to himself, not wanting to throw up the muffin and cake pop. He goes into his messages and finds the new texts, breathing in deep and opens the folder.

Unknown- Are you ready for me to come see you?

Unknown- I'm by your husband. He's too shit faced to even realize I'm here ha ha

Unknown- Too bad he left you behind huh? Some cute guy keeps talking to him too. He might replace you sooner than you know it 😉🌹

Remington feels his stomach cramp, ready to throw up. His saliva starts to pool in his mouth and his eyes water but he breathes through it, not wanting to risk having a low sugar episode by himself. Andy was also with his brothers last night so would he try talking to someone else? He can't bare the thought anymore until a man approaches him, smiling sweetly.

"Hi, um is this seat taken?"

The man has beautiful chocolate hair that curls down to his shoulders. He is very muscular but skinny, at least 6'5. His skin is tan and it brings out his olive eyes.

"Not at all, feel free," Remington says, taking a sip of his chai.

"Sorry, I just saw you sitting all alone and thought you could use some company," the man chuckles. Ugh his accent is heavenly.

"Yeah everyone I'm with is hungover to fucking hell so I figured I'd find somewhere for coffee," Remington giggles quietly.

"Well m'name's Josh, what's yours pretty thing?"

"Remington," he blushes, looking down.

"American?" Josh grins, noticing the blush on his cheeks.

"Um Canadian but I am living in the states now."

"Ah I see, what brings you all the way over here?" Josh stares at the raven haired man intensely, watching his every move.

"I'm in a band with my brothers and we are touring. We are going to be all over Europe for the next few months."

Josh nods, sipping on his coffee. "Sounds like a dream. How long are you going to be in town for?"

Remington bites his bottom lip, trying to hide his smirk. "Until tomorrow. We will drive to our next town sometime tomorrow night."

"Ah, I see. Does it ever get any tiring?" Josh asks, leaning forward on the table and staring into Remington's eyes.

Remington gulps, and starts flipping his phone up and down on the table. "A...a little. But we are so thankful to have fans that it definitely outweighs any negatives."

"Your eyes are so beautiful Remington. They look like a pot of honey in the sunlight. I could stare at them all day," the chocolate haired man smiles, licking his lips slowly.

"I, um, I'm not single." Remington manages to say hoarsely. "I'm actually married."

"And I never asked," Josh winks. "I saw the ring on your finger but I don't see a spouse anywhere. They must not be smart because they left you here with your hot self all alone."

Remington chuckles at the compliment, standing up and throwing his waste away.

"Well I'm sorry Josh but I have to get going before the crew gets worried." Remington smiles gently at the man.

"Before you go, what's your band called? Maybe I'll go to your next show."

"Palaye Royale. I'd love to see you there." Remington waves awkwardly and walks away. He can feel the man staring at him and he doesn't care. He can look all he wants.

He ends up wandering into a small thrift store that looks and smells dusty. He walks over to the books, slowly walking past. He eventually goes to the counter with the jewelry case and finds a beautiful olive jeweled ring. It reminded him of that beautiful man's eyes. He blushes on the thought, passing it up. He wouldn't want anyone to think wrong of him.

He walks out of the store, heading back to the bus. The walk takes about thirty minutes but when he opens the bus door, he instantly smells the body odors and alcohol stench in the air. He instantly throws up on the ground, groaning and pissed off that he now has to eat again.

"Baby is that you?" Andy walks to the door and hugs his husband tightly. "God fuck Remi at least text me when you are leaving to go somewhere! I thought you were kidnapped!"

Remington groans, stepping back off of the bus. "All of you need to shower before I even step foot in there. Andy you smell like alcohol."

Andy laughs, holding his head. "I guess we went too hard last night. Where did you go anyways?"

"Oh you know, I was expecting to wake up next to my husband but I didn't. He was too passed out drunk with my brothers. So I went and found a cute little cafe and some guy actually sat with me and flirted."

Andy's eyebrows furrow, the headache diminishing quickly. "What do you mean he flirted? What did he do?"

"Called me pretty, my eyes beautiful, he kept checking me out." Remington giggles. He knows Andy will get jealous and act on it.

"And what the fuck did you do?" Andy is clearly pissed off.

"I thanked him but I told him I was already in a relationship. He didn't care but still. He thought I looked too good to be sitting by myself."

Andy crosses his arms around his chest. "You should have woken me up before you left. I would have gladly came with.

"Well you didn't sleep with me or text me much last night soo..." Remington frowns, knowing the man can't handle being mad at him.

Andy sighs, running his hand through his hair. "I'm jealous as fuck." Remington smiles sweetly and rolls his eyes.

"Next time, text me that you guys are doing fine. You didn't text me all night and I got worried."

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