Sleep and Caffeine

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The yawn coming from the younger's mouth is inevitable. All he wants to do is sleep anymore and it makes his husband worried. He's been watching his sugar like crazy and makes sure he eats at least three times a day but his sugar has been all over the place. It hasn't gotten too low, but it has gotten lower than it should.

Remington rubs his forehead, smacking his lips. He should be awake and ready to get on stage, but alas, he rather be in bed. He does a small sweet smile when Andy comes around with a hot chocolate in hand.

"It'll warm you up babe." He kisses the younger's temple, breathing in his scent.

"What would I ever do without you?" Remington snuggles into his husband's neck, sipping on the drink and sighing in relief. "How do you make the best hot cocoa?"

Andy chuckles and starts to rub Remington's lower back. "A little more cocoa mix than suggested, almond milk, sea salt, Carmel drizzle, whipped cream, you know, the good stuff."

Remington takes a big gulp and shivers when the warmth travels down his stomach. "So good," he whispers, letting the hot cup warm up his chilly fingers. He sets the cup down beside him and sits down, shivering and sniffling.

Andy rubs the back of his neck and frowns, pulling the glucose meter out again. "Baby, it's not even that cold in here. You are worrying me."

Remington rolls his eyes and hands him his left hand, flinching when the device jabs him. "I'm cold natured you know."

"It's 70 degrees in here and your nose is red. "

"Hush and cuddle!" He demands, making his husband laugh.

"Okay, okay." Andy takes off his leather jacket and puts it on his shivering husband. "Keep it tonight. I rather you be warm."

Remington nods and hides his face into the older's neck, sucking on it gently. Andy groans, shifting his groin and readjusts his pants. "Better not start something you can't finish."

"I'll finish after the show." Remington smirks, giving his husband a small love bite.  "Mine mine mine."

Sebastian walks in and clears his throat, alerting the couple that he walked in. "So I talked to security and they are on high alert for any funny business. If people start yelling anything regarding the tape or you cheating they will kick them out do don't stress okay?"

"Thanks Sebby," Remington smiles sweetly, truly appreciating his brother's efforts. "You really don't have to deal with my drama. I can handle it."

"Mhm but you shouldn't. It's not like this is a scorned ex lover and you actually did the things they are claiming."

"It'll blow over babe," Andy says, kissing his lover's head.

Remington hands Andy his phone and stands up, yawning and stretching. Emerson walks in and gently tackles his brother. "You ready?"

Remington nods and looks at Sebastian. "How about you?"

Sebastian chuckles and nods. "Come on Emmy let's go."

The two brothers and guitarists head out, the crowd reacting and screaming. Remington rubs his hands together nervously and looks at Andy. "Is my sugar okay?"

Andy picks up the device and frowns. "68. Just a tad low. You can eat after the show and we will retest."

Remington nods nervously. "Wait can you get me some Zofran before I go out? I'm feeling queazy but I think it's anxiety. I rather not throw up again."

Andy nods and reaches into his husband's medicine bag, pulling out the pill bottle and handing Remington a small white pill. He takes it graciously and cracks his wrists, stretching his legs and back.

"Wish me luck baby!"

Remington runs out on stage, hearing the crowd scream and roar. He is holding the microphone and greeting the crowd when he notices an olive eyed man standing in front row winking at him. Remington blushes and bites his bottom lip, looking away quickly.

Andy watches from the side, seeing his husband's bashful face hidden in embarrassment. Andy bites his tongue, looking out into the crowd and wondering who sparked such a reaction from him. He scowls, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his husband's phone. He clicks into his messages, scrolling through who he has been in contact with. He frowns, seeing that William has been texting him endlessly.

Why didn't he fucking tell me? I could have helped him! Why does he keep hiding shit from me?! What else is he hiding??

His stomach drops, wondering if he is cheating on him. He mentioned meeting someone at a coffee shop and couldn't. But is he?

Andy puts the phone back in his pocket after looking into his other apps and messages, anxiety boiling in him. Remington is rocking out on stage and giving it his all, crawling on his hands and knees provocatively.

Andy gulps, shaking his head out of his fear. He can't.

The men run back from the stage, sweaty and laughing. No one made a pass at Remington, no one yelled any obscenities. It was overall successful! Remington runs up to Andy, panting quietly and smiling until he feels husband's anxious energy.

"Are you okay?" Remington whispers, putting his hand on Andy's shoulder gently. Andy relaxes to his touch.

"We need to talk alone baby."

Remington gulps, following his husband outside where a bunch of fans are screaming their names. They can't hear their conversations anyways. Now or never.

"You aren't cheating on me are you?" Andy finally asks, feeling his courage diminish when he sees the hurtful frown spread on Remington's face.

"What have I done to make you think that? You aren't believing the lies are you?"

"You were acting bashful on stage and it looked like you were having a private conversation with someone through the crowd."

Remington grabs Andy's hand, kissing his fingers gently.

"I saw that guy from the coffee shop. He was distracting me for a bit I promise, baby, I promise, that he means nothing to me okay? It's only you. It's only us."

Andy nods quickly, sniffling quietly. "And the texts from William?"

Remington bites his bottom lip nervously. "You went through my phone?"

Andy nods, looking away from his husband's scorned eyes.

"You really don't trust me? Fine Andy. Fine." Remington turns on his heel and walks away quickly, preparing for VIP. Andy drags his face with his hands, stressed to all hell. If it's not his husband's health it's that conniving bastard.

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