Proof and Scents

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It's been a month and a half since Remington overdosed. The Royal Council hasn't been the same. BVB army hasn't either. Andy just sits next to the hospital bed every day, praying to any God or universe out there to have his husband wake up. Nobody knows how long he was up there in that room without oxygen so he might never wake up. And if he does wake up, he might not be the same Remington as before. 

Andy sits next to him from 8am to 8 pm every single day, talking, singing, reading, anything to make it seem like his husband is still there. He hasn't tried to investigate why he took the pills only that they have been fighting, so it must be his own fault. 

Andy shaves Remington's face every other day, not allowing the nurses to touch him in such a way that he can. He is the one that bathes him, helps change him, does everything he can because he knows how uncomfortable Remington would be with anyone else doing it besides his husband. 

His blood pressure remains on the lower side and his heartbeat has been just as slow. The doctors keep mentioning to pull the plug but he refuses to. He is completely on life support and can't even breathe on his own. 

Andy sits in fear every single day, needing his husband to wake up. I need to feel him against me again. I need to hear him call my name. I need to feel his fingers run through my hair. Oh god Remi please baby just please. I'm so sorry I'm an awful fucking husband.

Andy looks on Instagram and Palaye Royale had finally shared something on everyone's behalf 

Royal Council, please send up whatever prayers you can

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Royal Council, please send up whatever prayers you can. Our front man Remington has been in the hospital for almost two months now fighting for his life. He has been in a coma and we don't know if he will ever wake up. Please keep him, his husband, and his brothers in your thoughts as we go through this difficult time. 

Andy shares it on his own as well, tears filling his eyes at the beautiful picture he sent in of his husband, who once laid in bed with him, alive and kind of warm. Remington was always cold and freezing and Andy would warm him up every time, always irritated because his husband would put his cold ass feet on him. 

Sebastian enters the room and stands in front of Andy, who is now crying hysterically.

"I'm...I'm scared he's going to die if I leave..."

Sebastian puts his hand on Andy's shoulder and gives him a comforting smile. 

"Andy, I really think we should go get his text messages looked at. I don't think he was alone on this."

"Seb...I can't leave his side...what if they pull the plug? What if he starts choking?"

"They can't and they won't Andy. He will be fine. Just come on, we need some answers." 

Andy stands up, gently leaning over his husband and kissing his nose and cheeks, inhaling his scent. "Please don't go anywhere Remi, I promise I'll be back soon, okay?"

The two head out of the hospital and go to Verizon, and wait to get all the printed papers of text transcripts. Andy bites on his fingernails and holds his other hand with Sebastian.

"We checked his phone. We checked everything. He didn't have anything."

"Do you really trust that though Ands? Read his letter again. He literally said he didn't want to do it."

"I've read it so much I've fucking memorized every word. He still did it. Even if we find anything, it won't bring him back..."

"But there can be justice Ands. Keep your hopes up okay?"

Andy barely nods and pulls up a video of his husband and himself skiing, laughing their asses off because Andy kept falling. His giggles were so full of life.

Once they are given the stack of papers they drive back to Andy's house, going through every single paper and sure enough, Sebastian was right. They saw every text between William and Remington and read how scared he was, while William had credible threats towards Andy. Andy read so many texts of Remington begging him not to touch his husband and to let himself go, so much fear that Andy had no clue was happening. 

Sebastian sits there in silence while Andy stands up, walking to his bedroom. "I just want you to know if Remington doesn't make it, please don't try to save me."

Andy lays back down on the bed and hugs the pillow that doesn't smell like his husband anymore.

Black Waves Part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora