Deceit and Eavesdropping

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Remington sits on the couch, cuddling Mishka and watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Sebastian and Larisa are in the backyard, laughing and having fun in the pool. Remington pets the fluffy dog gently, happy to get cuddles from someone. His phone starts going off beside him, crazily and it's very unexpected. He opens up his phone and sees several Instagram messages from different people showing Andy in the arms of someone else.

What. The. Fuck.

He looks closely at all the photos, is he crying? What's going on? Why didn't someone just take a fucking video so I didn't have to guess? Someone captioned it that he was cheating on me...I don't think he would but oh my god what if he is ?! 

He breathes slowly, not allowing himself to freak out. Andy wouldn't...Andy wouldn't....he has before....oh my god....he is....

He gets another photo of a man's arms wrapped around Andy while he has his face in the guys neck. What. The. Fuck. 

All the pictures were obviously zoomed in as they were fuzzy but it was unmistakably Andy. Remington knew those long legs and tattoos anywhere. 

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh fuck. Oh god. I can't. Oh shit my chest hurts. Okay Rem, calm down. 

He pulls out his phone and texts Andy.

Remington- Call me asap 

He makes himself drink some water to calm down, his whole body feeling jittery and wired. He readjusts to sit up more and continues to pet Mishka and watch the movie.

Andy sees the text as the show ends, feeling his stomach drop. He runs off stage and calls him quickly, hoping to hear he's okay and not having a stroke. He bites his fingernails as he waits, pacing back and forth.


"Rem? What's going on is everything okay? Are you sick?"

"'m sorry if that's what you thought. I should have been a little clearer." He nervously laughs, pausing the movie.

Andy sighs in relief, looking at Lonny and mouthing 'he's okay.' He sits down on an amp, relieving the ache in his ankles. "So then why did you need me to call asap?"

"So aren'"

"Out with it Leith," Andy jokes, smiling at his husband's nervousness.

"It's Biersack to you fuck face."

Andy laughs out loud. "Fuck face huh? How about I climb on top of you and fuck your face?"

Remington's mouth dropped and is silent.

"I can already tell you are blushing Mr. Biersack. I don't have to see you to know."

"Shut uuup," he whispers. "But seriously Andy, I had a lot of your fans sending me pictures."

"Uhhh okay. Of what?"

"Look, Andy, I won't be mad. Well I'll cry my fucking heart out but I won't be mad at you. But they took pictures of you in the arms of another man. You were cuddled up to Are you cheating on me? Please be honest..."

Andy frowns, trying to think back. "Can you send me a picture? I don't know either."

"It's definitely you please just be honest...I can't take it..." His voice is shaky and he sounds weak.

Oh fuck oh fuck. "Remington, breathe baby. Don't freak out. I'm not cheating on you I promise. Just send me a picture and I'll tell you what's going on, or if it's even from recently, okay?"

"O...okay..." Remington screenshots a couple of pictures and sends them through text, holding his breath.

Andy looks at the messages and laughs loudly, making Remington feel stupid.

"Oh baby, that was from today. Lonny is the one hugging me. I...look don't freak out or feel bad but I had a pretty horrible panic attack. I never get them so I thought I was dying. It was right before I went on stage. I didn't know anyone could see us. I'm so sorry sweetie. He really helped me through it and talked to me. And besides, Lonny isn't my type. I like tall slender creeps who are obsessed with Nutella and can climb like a monkey."

Remington giggles, "You just wish you could climb like me."

Andy smiles, finally relaxing. "I promise you sweetie, I'll never touch another living man besides you. You are the one. And I literally just wrote a whole fucking album about you so why would I waste that?"

"When are you going to let me hear it?"

"Whenever you are in my arms baby. I'll sing it all to you. But thank you for asking me right away. I wouldn't want something like this on your pretty little mind."

"What were you panicking about though? Is there anything I can do babe?"

Andy frowns and stands back up. "I was thinking about being so far away from you and how sick you are...I'm just scared something is going to happen to you and I won't be there. I need you to be healthy baby. And once you are you are coming with me on every single god damn tour I have because I cannot stand being away from you."

"If it makes you feel any better my number is 64 today."

"God baby, that makes me feel wonderful. Let's shoot for those 70s and you'll be fucking perfect."

"I miss you..." Remington yawns, snuggling down on the couch.

"I miss you more baby, go take a nap. I love you."

"I love you too."

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