Health and Used

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Remington sways and dances from the doctors office, spinning and walking on his tip toes. Andy is giggling at his adorable husband and takes his hand, spinning him in a circle. Eventually they get back to the car and Remington glides in the passenger seat, happier than ever.

This was his first time at this doctor because he's been in California for so long. These people have a cardiologist on staff so he was able to do everything in one visit and have both doctors collaborate with each other instead of waiting for responses. Remington weighs 169, his blood pressure was perfect, his blood sugar was in the 80s, his lab work is all coming back normal. His head is fine, the scar from surgery is healing well. His scar from the chest tube is also fine and the aches from it have been minimal. His heart is healing, the SVT isn't anything to be scared about right now. This visit couldn't be any more perfect.

Remington tears up, looking at Andy across from him. He smiles and Andy leans over, wiping off his tears with his thumb.

"Everything is going so great, there is actually progress," Remington sniffles, leaning on his husband.

"I'm so proud of you darling. So goddamn proud." Andy smiles genuinely. After everything that they've been through, this is their break. This is it.

Remington leans back in his seat, looking up and giggling. "I can carry a baby healthily Ands! It's going to be okay!" 

Andy pulls out of the parking lot and rubs his husband's thigh, glancing at him every so often. "I'm so fucking proud of you. Baby holy shit you did it! It's going to be okay. You are going to be okay." He tears up, feeling so much relief. His husband is still on the smaller side but his stomach isn't sinking anymore, his abs are back, his muscles are small but prominent.

"Can we stop for some celebratory ice cream?"

Andy chuckles and drives to the nearest Cold Stone Creamery.

Remington sweatily moves off of Andy, panting and laying his back on the bed. Andy holds his hand and smiles, trying to catch his breath.

"Practice...makes...perfect..." Andy pants out.

Remington blushes and chuckles, staying laying still with a pillow under his bum because he heard that's what people do when they are trying to conceive.

Andy rolls over and kisses his husband's cheek, down to his neck, down his chest, to his stomach. "Don't stress it baby. Just let it happen naturally." He removes the pillow and pulls Remington into his arms, catching his breath.

"I just want it to happen now," Remington closes his eyes, feeling at so much peace.

Remington's phone starts ringing and it's a Facetime from Sebastian. He sits up, covering himself with a blanket and answers it.

"What now Sebby?" He giggles.

"I thought you were flying here tonight? Did you forget?"

Remington looks at Andy and shrugs. "What's tonight?"

"We are releasing Anxiety Rem. We were going to do a live together before we did."

"Shit. Oh shit oh shit." Remington pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry Sebby I forgot. I've been preoccupied."

Andy smirks and smacks his husband's ass, making him squeal.

"God you two are gross. Wait are you wearing any clothes?"

Remington's eyes widen and wraps himself up more from the blanket. "I'm hanging up now..."

"Wait, Remi, hold on. I, uh, don't you think it would be better if you guys moved back here permanently? It would make it easier on us all."

The younger sighs, leaning back on Andy. "Seb, I'm sorry. But it's easier for me here. California has so many bad memories and it's hard for me to be content. We've been here for a couple days and my anxiety is so much better. I went to the doctor today and they said I'm leaning towards excellent health again...It was hard for me to back there. Please understand."

"Remington, I just don't think you understand how selfish you are being. Can you think of us for once?"

Remington stiffens up, all the happiness from earlier is draining. Andy notices and unwraps himself from the blanket and takes the phone, not caring if Sebastian can see him entirely. Remington gasps and pushes a smidge of blanket over his crotch and Andy grabs his husband's ass, spanking him and gliding his hand over his husband's dick.

"So I'm going to be the selfish one here and we are going to say goodbye Sebastian. My husband has been too preoccupied by the multiple orgasms I make him feel daily. He is missing an appointment." He chuckles and continues to visually grab at his ass, making the younger blush horribly. "Unless if you want to stick around to hear him scream my name." 

Sebastian rolls his eyes and hangs up abruptly. Andy sets the phone down and shoves the blankets away from his husband. He gets on top of him and holds his wrists above his head, making Remington gulp.

"I'm going to pin you down until you accept that what he said doesn't matter. Your health matters more. Okay?"

Remington tears up, sniffling. "Why can't they see how miserable I am there?" He whimpers out.

Andy grimaces, wanting to take all of his pain away. "They are thinking about money love. And I get their side. But I understand your side more. And will do everything within my power to make sure you are happy and taken care of. From what you want, not your brothers, not me. You baby."

"Maybe we should hold off on the baby stuff for awhile ..." Remington sniffles, feeling more tears come out. Andy frowns and sits up, bringing his feeble husband to his chest.

"Explain. Now."

He breaks into tears, shoving his face into his husband's chest. "They just want me there Andy. Smile, look pretty, be healthy, be happy. Sing, make videos, tour. At least perfect on the outside. How can I do that with a baby? How can I do all that with us?"

Andy hugs Remington tight, rubbing his back. "Listen, we can hold off if you want to baby. We can put it on the back burner but it's not off the table. I want you to be okay with every decision we make and I don't give a flying fuck about what your brothers want. I don't want you pressured into anything, even from me. Okay?"

Remington nods, closing his eyes. "I want a family with you so bad..."

"Then why don't we stop trying and let nature take its course like we originally planned. Whatever happens happens." 

He nods, loving how Andy comes up with the best solutions all the time.

Remington and Andy arrive back in California that day, to be with his brothers for the video reveal. He hates making a promise and not keeping it so he will deal with it. This time they brought Charlie with them and that can be their family for now. They hold hands tightly in the airport, walking to find Emerson waiting waiting outside at his car.

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