Lost and Found

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"Remington! Wait!" Andy yells once his shock wore off. He runs out if the bathroom and glides past people, not caring who gets shoved down. He looks everywhere but his kitten ran out quickly. Andy pulls out his phone to call the man, looking around desperately. He is still dizzy and his heart is racing. The colors flashing are disrupting his vision. Does he even have feet? The vibrations are so strong.


He calls again and it gets declined after 1 ring. Andy chokes back tears, panicking. Where is he?!

He texts him, looking around the room and finding Sebastian. 

'Where's Remi?!"

Sebastian raises his eyebrow and chuckles. "Notta clue."

"Fuck!" Andy punches the wall, crying out in pain. 

Sebastian sets his drink down and rushes to Andy, inspecting his hand. "Why what happened?"

"He...I...I don't know what happened...I cheated on him. I was so fucked up I didn't care. He caught us. Seb he fucking caught us and flushed his wedding ring down the loo! He won't pick up!"

Sebastian's eyes widen, not knowing what to say. "Well I haven't seen him since we got here. Try asking Shy or Larisa. Emerson is fucked up too. I don't know on what."

Andy and Sebastian hurriedly run around the club until they find the little redhead beauty dancing. Sebastian whispers in her ear and she shakes her head, frowning at Andy. She takes her margarita and throws it at Andy, turning on her heel and walking off. 

Andy stands still and feels the guilt wash all over him. How could I do this? What the fuck did I take?

"Have you checked the front? Maybe he's outside or waiting by the van?" Sebastian tries to call him but it just rings.

Both men run quickly and pass by people, opening the door and feeling the cold air slaps them. It sobers both the men as they look around, no sight of the man. Andy walks to the bouncer and shows him a picture from his phone.

"You seen him? Coming out like 5 minutes ago?"

The bouncer nods. "Bloke went to the parking garage."

Andy sighs in relief. He must be waiting at the van! Andy tries calling him again and it just rings. He keeps the phone to his ear while running towards the vehicle, hot tears gliding down his cheeks. He slows down once they get there, noticing that the man isn't there either. 

Andy yanks on his hair and yells, kicking the tire. "I can't fucking do this? He knows not to run off right now!"

"Andy...Andy..." Sebastian grabs his brother-in-law's arm, unlocking the van. "Get in and tell me everything. Every fucking thing you took and did."

They both step in the sliding door and Andy breaks out into sobs. "I drank quick. I had a lot of shots. Emmy gave me a blunt and I was fine. I was dancing with Remi. He was standoffish but fine. I said something mean to him that hurt his feelings..." 

Andy thinks and cringes, remembering some of the words. "I think I called him a slut. I talked about his and Will's sex tapes...oh my god. I remember Emerson giving me a pill before. I don't remember what he said it was. But we fought. He wouldn't have sex I think? I walked away and found someone that did...oh my god Sebastian oh my fucking God! I don't even know what the guy looks like! We fucked in the bathroom. When um when I came out Remington was standing there. He was fucking sobbing! He flushed his ring down the toilet. Oh my god. I fucking killed him! I'm his HUSBAND! I promised to protect him!"

Sebastian lays his face in his hands, stressed to the bone. "We are going to find out what Em put you on but wow Andy you hurt him again. He can't handle it. We were just getting him back from the heart attack. There's no way he is getting past this. He's probably somewhere hurting himself."

Andy shivers, I can't have my baby hurting himself.

"But look right now I'm not going to get mad at either of you. We are going to look for Rem and get him somewhere that he can't hurt himself. We will sort this shit later. Did you track his phone?"

Andy quickly pulls out his phone, going on the Where's My Iphone App. It shows that a half a mile away his phone is pinging. They both get out of the van and run it's direction, yelling Remington's name. Once they get closer they hear his phone pinging loudly, echoing in a dark damp alley. Andy yells out loud, picking up the discarded broken phone. The screen is shattered and his husband is nowhere in sight. 

Andy's heart drops, holding the phone to his chest. "My...my baby..." He cries out, looking at Sebastian in fear. "What do we do?"

Sebastian looks around the alley but nothing looks out of place besides the phone. "We get a hotel and wait. If he's on foot he can't be far."

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