Questions and Answers

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Remington looks out the icy windows and admires the mountain view. He touches the window, letting his finger gently draw on it. The outside looks so still, nothing is moving. Snow is covering everything. The sky is white with no clouds in sight. It truly is beautiful-

"Beautiful view isn't it?" 

Remington jumps and turns around quickly, relief floods him when he sees it's his husband with a tray of food. Andy sets it down quickly and walks to him, rubbing his arms gently.

"Breathe, it's just me. I'm sorry I should have knocked. I forget how jumpy you are."

Remington breathes deep and slowly, resting his head on Andy's chest 

"I'm sorry for being so jumpy." He mumbles.

Andy continues to rub his arms and kisses his head. "Don't ever apologize sweetheart. Come on the bed and eat some breakfast with me." 

Remington follows him and sits on the bed, watching Andy lift up the covers. Remington picks up a strawberry and munches on it while Andy butters the toast, smiling at his husband. 

"Take a bite," Andy whispers, and Remington does what he's told and takes a nibble from the toast. "Finish this piece baby."

Remington groans and takes another small bite, then drinking the hot tea. Andy sips his hot coffee and smiles, watching his lover. 

Once they are done and Andy had to keep encouraging Remington to eat the toast, Andy takes the tray outside and sets it on the porch so the resort will come get it. Remington follows him downstairs and waits for him to come back inside, hugging himself due to the chilly air. He sits on the fluffy couch and relaxes into a soft blanket, letting it drown him. Andy comes back in and laughs at the sight of him and joins him on the other side of the couch.

"Talk to me about last night baby."

Remington plays with his fingers and stays quiet, looking down.

Andy crawls over him and kisses him softly, making Remington's eyes widen.

"Talk to me baby," he whispers.

"I, um, I ..." He blushes and looks down. "I miss um, us, you know."

"Us?" Andy asks, raising an eyebrow. "Have I been making you feel lonely?"

" ...I mean..." 

Andy rubs his hands softly and helps him calm down, they both sit up next to each other.

"Do you think you are ready for sex Remington? Do you think you can handle it yet?"

"I miss the connection it brought us. I, um, I miss how you'd make me feel, all the highs. The ecstacy."

Andy nods and kisses his hands. "Why did you wait until you were drunk though? Was it for liquid courage or...?"

Remington looks down and squeezes Andy's hands. "You haven't truly seen me since everything. I haven't taken my shirt off around you, I havent taken my pants off...I don't want you to think I'm this sad deformed freak, I want you to look at me like you used to."

"You aren't a deformed freak though. You are my beautiful hubby. You are so fucking brave baby to have endured all of it and are still standing to this day." Andy watches the younger's bottom lip tremble, wishing he can take all his worries away.

"I'm scared it's going to hurt," he whispers, feeling ashamed. "I haven't even touched myself. I'm too scared...that's why I wanted to be drunk."

Andy stands up, making Remington gulp. "Why don't we take a shower baby? Let me help you, and I bet it'll still feel good. But if it doesn't I'll stop right away, okay?"

Remington nods nervously and follows his lover up the stairs.

Black Waves Part 2Where stories live. Discover now