Daring and Gutsy

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Remington paces in the house, scared but excited for Andy. He doesn't love me though. He made it clear when he left me. Who the fuck does he think I am? Someone he can just push around and get mad at, but forces me to sit and stay still for him? No! He said our marriage was probably over. Fuck him! He didn't even try to text me back when he left. No! He doesn't get to decide this for me! 

Remington takes the razor out of his bag and fumbles it between his fingers. It's been so long my friend. But should I do this to piss Andy off? It's not for him, it's for me. And if he gets mad, that's on him. He gently picks it back up and lays his left arm down, wrist facing up. He moves the blade across his wrist smoothly, like he has done so many times before. He grits his teeth as he does another line, and then another, and another. He did a total of six lines when he moved to his other wrist, carving the word slut into his arm. So many people have called him a slut, might as well brand himself as one.

Blood is rushing down his fingertips as he lets his arms hang down, feeling accomplished. Feeling like he finally did something for himself. Hurting himself. Andy wasn't there to control it. Fuck him. I'll give him a fucking piece of my mind if he shows up. 

He jumps into the shower and washes himself and the blood off quickly, wincing as the hot water touches it. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. What the fuck was I thinking? You know what, fuck it. It felt good. I feel free.

After he dries off and gets back dressed, he puts on a beanie instead of spiking his hair up. He has on his black glasses and scrolls through Tik Tok. Everyone looks so happy but is it real? I thought I was fucking happy too. He helped me come back from the hell hole I fell down. But then once he saw that video, he went ape shit on me. He fucking threw me to the ground and even kicked me! If he truly loved me, he wouldn't have done that. He already knew I did it. I swear I wasn't trying to cheat on him. But fuck him. Fuck him fuck him fuck him. I'll punch him in the fucking face when I see him.

Remington is definitely feeling restless, anxious, and wanting to dump all the pills in his mouth. He stands up and goes back out on the balcony, feeling the icy wind surround him. The view is fucking beautiful though. 

He posts another image to his story, the beautiful view from the balcony he took earlier.

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It's about ten at night now and Remington goes back inside still feeling the fiery feeling inside. Maybe I should punch him? Shove him like he did to me. Kick him on the ground like he did to me. Yeah. He doesn't fucking want me anyways. He looks into the mirror and looks at himself. He is now wearing a black turtleneck long sleeve shirt and black plaid pants. His whole outfit screams nerd. But that's okay, because he is one.

Just as Remington is at the kitchen island, leaning over it and taking a drink of his hot tea, Andy opens the door, and all the fire that Remington was feeling slips out instantly. They stare at each other for awhile as Andy closes the door, throwing his bag on the floor. He slowly walks into the house, each step clicking on the wooden floors from his boots. Remington gulps and watches him stop at the couch, slowly taking off his jacket and neatly folding it in half, laying it down. 

"Do you know how long it took me to get here darling? I had an hour and a half long flight. Took me awhile to even find out where you were, thanks to you blocking me from your accounts."

He slowly steps further, the clicking echoing every time. Remington gulps and is wide eyed, scared out of his mind. 

"Four hours to drive here. And that's after I had to figure out where you went. Such a naughty, naughty boy."

Andy finally stands in front of Remington, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt partially.

"I told you I would reward you if you told me where you were. And you didn't. So what punishment fits this sweetheart?"

Remington feels a little bit of sweat on his face, his hands trembling against his glass.

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