Anniversaries and Heartbreak

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"Hey, sweetie, you okay?" Andy asks his husband who is staring out the passenger window. It is now October and several months have past. The couple have slowly grown apart once Austin was caught by the police for trying to break into their house. Andy hoped the stalking would end but William is still out there and makes himself known from time to time again. Remington has been drifting from his husband, feeling anger towards the man. 

Austin was his fault. I wouldn't be so fucking deformed if Andy never had cheated on me. If Andy actually loved me, none of this would have happened. I'd be fine. I wouldn't have scars all over my stomach and missing a huge fucking part of myself. I still have phantom pains and they get so intense it's almost like I'm back in that room, being hacked to pieces.  

They are on a trip to Orlando for their anniversary and Remington rather stare at the rain than at his husband. The sky is dark from the storm but luckily for them the interstate is barely busy with traffic.

"Um, yeah, I'm fine." Remington says quietly, resting his head against the cool window. 

Andy starts to slow down because the rain starts to pour so heavy that he cannot see in front of him. "I love you." 

Remington stays quiet and breathes in deep, feeling suffocated by the heavy rainfall and his husband.

"Baby?" Andy whimpers out, anxiety filling his chest and stomach.

"Hm?" Remington barely remarks, but looks at his husband once Andy rests his hand on his knee to grab his attention.

The interstate comes to a complete stop due to an accident a mile ahead.

Andy looks at him and can feel his hatred, but he wants to make it all better for his husband.  Remington hasn't even spoken to him about his feelings. It happened gradually but it started becoming more noticeable the last two months. Remington won't return his texts when they are separated and he also started sleeping on the couch more and more. The sex is so emotionless now. Remington used to beg and scream for his husband and be so into it but now it's like Andy is humping a rag doll. There is no passion, no want or need. Remington always had a high sex drive but now it's only Andy who wants the attention and Remington just allows it to get him to shut up. Andy got his husband back from the coma but is slowly losing him as a partner, a lover. 

"I said I love you," he rubs his husband's knee gently, feeling his stomach twist and turn inside him.

"Oh, um, love you too." Remington mumbles, looking down at his hand on his knee.

"Do you mean it? Or are you lying," Andy whispers, dreading the answer.

"What kind of fucked up question is that Andy?" He says coldly, looking back at the window. 

Andy slowly takes his hand off his knee and turns up the radio, listening to Avenged Sevenfold's Seize the Day.

He has tears in his eyes but he looks the other direction, slowly driving in the backed up traffic. He doesn't want to lose his husband but it's clear that it's happening whether he likes it or not. On their anniversary trip. His Remi.

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