Plans and Execution

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Remington is being shoved into a blacked out SUV with William grabbing his arm behind him. Remington doesn't struggle but does exactly what William requests him to do. He has never felt this way before. So....dead. So given up. So defeated. He stares out the window and watches the strip for the last time. All of the mesmerizing lights and excited people walking around. It is so fucking cold...

Slowly the lights are behind them, nothing but huge interstates and darkness.

"How are you going to do it?" He asks quietly. Of course he's scared, but he's more scared about living. He's tired. He's giving up the fight.

"Do you have any ideas in mind? We can have it be your last show. We can make it beautiful and mesmerizing."

Remington shrugs. "My life doesn't have any meaning William. I'm not beautiful or mesmerizing so why should my death be? I'm a nobody. I'm a slut."

The driver takes a swift turn, entering another interstate. William smirks, rubbing Remington's thigh roughly. "I'm going to call your husband, okay baby boy? I need him to suffer and hear this."

Remington shrugs, I don't have a husband.

William puts his phone on speaker, kissing Remington's neck and rubbing up and down his thigh. He dials Andy and waits until Andy answers it breathlessly.

"Hello?" He sounds scared and small. Good! He deserves it!

"Andy my dear how are you?" Remington looks down while William speaks. He's not worth the toying. He feels a cold hand on him and he flinches, shoving the feeling away.

"William, please, I can't. Enough mind games. Leave my family alone....please..."

William chuckles deeply. "No more mind games you waste of space. Aren't you going to ask why I found your gorgeous hubby crying in alley all by his lonesome?"

"No no no no no William don't fucking touch him! I have given you money God damnit what else do you want? Don't hurt him!"

"It's actually funny Andrew. I wasn't planning on hurting him at all. But he did ask me quite the peculiar question that I couldn't turn down. He asked me to make sure he dies this time. To kill him Andrew can you believe it? He said he won't fight me and I can do whatever.. but I'm going to let him write his ending."

"Don't fucking touch a hair on his head! Bring him back now!"

William chuckles, lighting another cigarette. "I'm only doing what Remington asked me to do. I heard he caught you fucking someone else huh? How was it? I can't imagine the man was as tight as Remi here."

Remington feels tears flowing on his face, sniffling loudly. His heart is so beyond repair at this point. He sputters a cough, feeling something go down his throat. What the fuck? Maybe it's anxiety.

"Do you hear that? That's your sweet little husband. He's been crying his eyes out. You really did it this time Ands."

"Put him on the phone Will. Now." Andy's voice cracks, what a faker.

"You are on speaker darling. He can hear you."

Andy sighs, silent for a moment. ""

"Don't," Remington croaks out. "We are done Andy. No more of this."

"Remington baby please hear me out. Your brother...he gave me something. I don't know what the pill was but it turned everything upside down. I don't know why I did what I did but I wasn't there Remi. You know that wasn't me baby. You know me. I'd never purposely do that to you."

Remington let's out a gut wrenching sob. He looks at William, "Can you hang up please. I don't want to hear his voice anymore."

"Rem, you don't mean this baby! Come back here now! Let me take you home!"

"As you wish darling," William chuckles, hanging up the phone easily. 

"Take me to a random hotel. I don't care where. Stab or strangle me. Just do it quick please." Remington whispers, feeling chills run up his spine.

William throws out his cigarette, rolling up the window. "Let me see where we can go baby." William scrolls on his phone, finding a little motel nearby. "Sands Motel look good for you?"

Remington barely looks at it and nods quickly. "Just do it quick please."

"How are you going to pay me back for this favor baby? Kinda have to do it before huh?" William rubs Remington's inner thigh roughly, making the younger gulp. Remington looks at the man and bites his bottom lip. 

"When we get there, I only want you in me in the room. I'll let you fuck me however you like and however many times. I'll be good. I'll be the best you ever had. And when we are done, tie me to the bed. Keep me naked. I don't deserve any dignity. When you are done, send a picture to Andy. Let him know I did it for him." He sees a bright light on the road, wondering if it's a sign.

William sucks on his neck, rubbing against his groin. "He really fucked you up didn't he?"

He shakily nods, feeling heavy and scared.

Black Waves Part 2Where stories live. Discover now