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" So, did you finish listening to the audio yet?I asked while wearing the robe. I walked around the room and guided them to the couches so they could sit down.

I sat across them and raised my brow, they were just staring at me.

" *ehem* I said, did you guys finish listening to the audio yet? " I asked again, this time they heard me.

"N-No, not yet." Caius looked away.

" you barged in here without listening to all of it? ...So I assume all of you here knows that Mr. Engel and Mr. Castellan are part of a mafia, am I right? " I crossed my legs and leaned on my hand that was rested on the armrest.

"Yes, we do." Sebastian replied.

"Alright, go ahead and play it. I'll get some drinks." I stood up to give them some privacy but my wrist was grasped by Slade.

"No, you need to rest." He insisted. I tipped my head slightly to the right and then leaned forward so that our faces are just inches apart.

I placed my pointer finger on his chest and spoke, " I said, I'll get some drinks. Now sit down while I prepare it. Alright? " I then pushed him down back on his chair and adjusted my robe that slipped down on my arms.

I walked out and prepared some tea that was available in the cupboards. I purposely made the process slower so they could get as much privacy as they could. I don't get it why can't they just go back to their rooms. *sigh*

"I suppose that that was enough time to finish the audio. " I said while I placed the cups down and poured them some tea.

They were silent as I took a sip from my drink. I'm still hungry but I guess I can push that back for now.

" I know it will take some time to take that information in so take it easy. My guess is that whoever he was, he's part of the Russian Mafia so I suggest you should look into that. Mr. Engel, when you do a clean-up on your mafia, please don't do so too abruptly. Layout some traps and let them fall into them themselves." I suggested. 

" Valentina. " Claude spoke up.

" Yes? "

" Who are you really? " He then looked up to meet my eyes.

" W-What?" I questioned, taken aback.

" Who are you? No 17-year-old can do what you did earlier. Neither can they be soo smart that they need to purposely fluke their exams, and be talented in areas where they have no record of learning it. So tell me, who are you? Are you affiliated with some sort of organization? Mafia? Is that why you know soo much? Who are you really?" He interrogated me.

"...Pfft- *ehem* sorry about that but, I don't think I'd want to answer that question." I chuckled.

" And why not?"

"First of all, I doubt it'd make any sense, and Lastly if you want to know then find out on your own. I don't think it'd be hard to piece it together. I'm not exactly hiding it, I just don't want to say it cause I'd look crazy so, I want you to think that you are crazy instead." I shrugged.

"What do you mean?" Raven narrowed his eyes at me.

" Oh come on, Mr. Engel and Mr. Castellan are in the mafia meanwhile Mr. Massoumbert is affiliated with the government, if you truly wanted to find out more information about me it wouldn't take a day to gather all of it. I'm just a normal person, what could I have done to hide it? " I rolled my eyes.

I mean what I said. Of course, they'd doubt themselves if they think someone was in Valentina's body as the thought itself seems nearly impossible.

Well fellas, it is indeed possible.

" Why..are you calling us so formally? " Sebastian asked.

" Are we on a first-name basis? As far as I remember, one of you tried to kill me meanwhile the rest ignored my existence? I have the right to assume that you wouldn't want anything to do with me so I shall do what I think is best. " I then stood up and walked to the door, opening it to see Charles standing guard.

I pulled him in and looked at them.

" Thank you really for trying to find me, I really appreciate it but I don't think I'm quite presentable at the moment, and it's quite late. It's best we shall rest for the night. " I motioned them to get the fuck out of the room so I can fucking eat.

Without waiting for their next move, I walked away to go to my bedroom and closed the door. Charles can handle them.

I just want to order food immediately.

While I was ordering food service, I can hear incoherent mumbles but I focused on fixing my order first. When I finished ordering only then did I hear the door closed.

I quickly removed my robe, I just hate wearing that shit. The reason why I wear lingerie is that air can pass through my body better than my shorts and shirt.

Also, it's around what I usually wore when I was at my body.

I grabbed a random rubber elastic band and tied up my hair. I gathered all of it in one chunk and managed to tie it in a weird-looking bun.

I hate fixing my hair which is why I resort to wigs.

" Oye Charles, I ordered us some fo..od. Why are you still here, Mr. Engel? And where's Charles? " I asked while crossing my arms.

" He's right outside guarding right where he should be..since he is a bodyguard. " 

"Then why are you still here?"

"...I just wanted to apologize. From how I acted from the first time I met you, I judged you too quickly, and it's my fault for that. I'm sorry if I seemed that I wanted to kill you but I really did not. I'm also sorry that I tried taking you without your consent."

"Apology accepted, now please leave." I tried smiling, seriously my stomach is about to grumble so sir get the fuck out. 

And it just did..


I massaged the crease in between my eyebrows while he is staring at me with slightly widened eyes.

"..Cute. " I heard him mumble.

" Excuse me?" I raised a brow at him.

He then smiled warmly at me and leaned forward to..peck my cheek?

"I'm not sorry for this though." He grinned and turned around.

I grabbed him from the back of his collar and kicked the back of his knees so he could fall backward. I supported him with my right arm so he could still stay standing while slanted.

He stared at me shocked while I pressed my lips in between his eyebrows and pushed him back up.

"Now, please leave..Charles! please help him out and then come in, we need to do something." I yelled and then went back to my room.

I waited for the food service to arrive and when it did me and Charles sat down to enjoy our food while he talked about how worried Valentina's father was.

 .  .  .

The unaware Valentina did not know she left seven men to hate Charles even more and another man standing outside her door, still in shock while touching the lingering feeling in between his eyebrows.

To be Continued . . .

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