It is cold Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

ring ring ring ring

Hello?" I ask through the phone.

"Hey Y/N." I hear Scott say. "Uh- Scott, why do you have Stiles' phone?" I ask.

I push my laptop screen down and hop off the couch. "Well, me and Stiles may or may not have gone out into the woods with a bottle of whiskey to help get over my break up with Allison... And Stiles may or may not have drunk all of the whiskey..." Scott says, his voice volume slowly decreasing as he speaks.

"Really guys." I sigh at me irresponsible boyfriend and our broken hearted best friend.

"Okay, so obviously you didn't want me to know so why are you calling? Is he okay? Are you okay? What happened?" I ask thinking the worst. I race to my room and slip on my shoes.

"No, nothing's wrong. It's just Stiles won't move until you get here.

Listen- Stiles lets go. He said.

Not without my Y/N, I want my Y/N. Y/N! Hello are you here! I need you! Stiles said.

If you want to know he is currently looking under a rock. Can you please help? It's really cold and I want to go home." Scott whines.

I grab my coat and close the door behind me. "I'm already out of the door.

Tell Stiles I'll be there soon and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, Scott... I trust you." I open my car and jump in.

"I promise. Okay, listen to this- Stiles Y/N's coming!

*girly squeal*

Oh yay. I can't wait. Do I look nice? Do I smell nice? Everything has to be perfect for Y/N, Scott smell me. *Laughing* Stiles I'm not going to smell you. Bye Y/N." I turn my keys, starting the car. "Bye Scott." I laugh.

Skipping time ⏭

I slow down as I see two boys sitting around a camp fire. One of the boys are sitting with his hands against the fire and the other is swaying softly.

I stop the car and get out. "Y/N! Thank God you're here." Scott breathes out. "Stiles look, Y/N." Scott points to me and the boy stops swaying.

He turns around and runs to me. "Y/N! I missed you so much." Stiles says picking me and hugging me tightly.

I laugh as he puts me down and starts leaving kisses all over my face.

"Okay, calm down. I missed you too." I kiss him quickly on the lips. "We're going to go home now. Me and you, okay?" I ask.

He nods his head rapidly. Scott comes up to us. "Scott are you sober eno- You're a werewolf, of course you are.

You take Stiles' jeep to your house and I'll take Stiles to my house. Here-" I put my hands down Stiles back pocket and take his keys out.

I throw them to Scott and he skilfully catches them. "Be careful." "Yep, bye guys." Scott runs over to the jeep and jumps in. "You touched my butt." Stiles giggles and I laugh at him.

I lead Stiles to the passenger door and open it for him. I race over to my side and jump in. I see Scott drive pass with a wave.

"Yes I touched your butt. I have many many times. You remember?" I look over to him and see a goofy smirk appear on his face.

"I do, I do remember. Can you touch my butt again tonight?" Stiles asks as I start the car and drive off.

I laugh loudly. "Why don't we go home, we can cuddle and watch a movie? Tomorrow I'll touch your butt and if you play your cards right I might let you touch my butt. I remember you like touching my butt a lot."

I hear Stiles gasp beside me. "I get to touch your butt? That's amazing. Your butt is awesome. You're amazing."

Skipping time ⏭

"We're home." I say.

Stiles unbuckles his seat belt and jumps out of the car, he races to the door. I laugh at my boyfriend following close behind.

I put the keys into the lock and open the door.

We walk in and Stiles runs straight to the lounge room. "I want to watch Star Wars! Star Wars! Star Wars!" He chants.

I giggle, taking my shoes and coat off. "Okay, we'll watch Star Wars. I walk over to the TV and pick up all the remote. "I turn the TV on and put Star Wars on.

I go over and sit on the couch next to Stiles.

Stiles lifts me up, swings his feet across the couch and pulls me against him.

I feel his hand slide from my waist down to my hips, down to my butt.

"I love your butt.

I love your hair.

I love your eyes.

I love your laugh. I love your everything. I love your you." Stiles bring our lips together in a passionate kiss. This is the first time Stiles has told me he loves me.

"I love your you too.

Stiles I really do." I pull him closer and kiss him again.

The end.....

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