In the moment Stiles Stilinski

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Third Person POV.

It was an in the moment kind of thing, the kiss that is.

It was almost like you felt forced to kiss him.

The two of you were in such close proximity at the exact right time, it would have felt wrong not to lean that little closer to him.

Your lips touched his, and you were drawn into a captivating feeling of awe.

But that was a week ago, and ever since you had barely made eye contact with Stiles.

After the two of you had kissed, he'd rushed off like a child leaving you standing there, confused and worried that you had done something wrong.

All you needed was answers, a simple explanation as to why he rushed away so quickly, but he refused to come anywhere near you.

He avoided you at any and every cost, stalking around the school like a ghost and sneaking around corners to escape your gaze that made him blush.

Today though, you were planning to catch him off guard, to finally get some answers, and right now you felt as though you had found the perfect opportunity.

He was sitting with Scott and Lydia, back to you.

You made your way over to the group, and with a tap on his shoulder he was turning around and his cheeks immediately flushed a bright shade of crimson.

"Can I talk to you?" You asked, and for a brief second he looked as though he was going to get up and run for it, but surprisingly he nodded gently at you.

"Okay." He mumbled, and pulled himself to his feet before following you away from Scott and Lydia.

You let out a sigh before you finally began to voice your thoughts, "I just-I just want to know why you've ignored me since we kissed. I mean, do you regret it?"

"What? No!" He shook his head, worry in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again once nothing came out.

He let out an exasperated sigh before moving closer to you and cupping your cheek and moving swiftly to press his lips to yours.

You were the first to pull away once you ran out of breath, and you stared up at him with a smile tugging up at the ends of your lips.

"I don't know what I was thinking," He gasped out, pressing his lips to yours again. "I was stupid, and God I missed your lips so much."

All you could do was laugh breathlessly and press your lips to his again, relishing in the feeling you missed more than you cared to admit.

The end.....

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