Part 2 You cheating on me Stuart Towmbly

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Stuart's POV.

After Y/N leaves the room I just collapse onto the floor holding my head in my hands.

I sit there for a minute or two just crying thinking about how all the happy times we had that had been a lie.

God I love her so much but it was obviously one sided.

That's when I hear the door open I look up to see the rest of the team walking into the little room and sitting on chairs around me.

"Hey what's up kid?" Nick asks.

"Y/N's been cheating on me with Graham. I found out when I came in today and a lot of people came up to me and told me they were together." I sigh wiping away a few stray tears.

I look up to see them all have confused looks and staring at each other.

"No she isn't." Billy says. I look up to them, looking as confused as they were.

"Yeah she came in and told us that Graham was flirting with her and when he said bad things about you she slapped him and put him in his place." Neha laughs.

A wave of guilt washes over me, that must have been what she was trying to tell me before.

"Yeah I believe the words she used was In fact he runs laps around you so don't ever compare him to you because there is no comparison" Lyle says.

God I'm such an idiot, I just lost the best thing that's ever happened me. How could I say I didn't love her. I love her more than anything.

"I,I have to go find her and get her back." I say rising to my feet but before I can run off my phone rings. Thinking it could be Y/N I answer it without checking it.

"Hello?" I ask

"Hello." a woman's voice says but not Y/N's.

"Is this Stuart Twombly?" "Yes, Who is this?" I say

"I'm a Doctor at St Mary's Hospital. It says that you are the emergency contact for Y/F/N." My heart drops and I can't hear the team asking me questions.

"Hello? Are you still there Mr Twombly?"

"Yes, what happened is Y/N ok? Please tell me she is."

"Well she was in an car accident she's in surgery right now-" "ok I'm on my way thank you Doctor." I hang up and run to get my coat.

"Hey what's happened?" Billy asks.

"Y/N got into a car accident and she's in the hospital. Oh god it's all my fault. I'm sorry I really need to go." I say before running out the building and to my car.

When I arrive at the hospital I run to the front desk.

"Hello I was called about a patient, Y/F/N, she.. she was in a car accident and I'm her emergency contact."

"Ok one second. Yeah it says here that she's still in surgery. I'll tell you when you can see her." I nod and take a seat in the waiting for Y/N to come out of surgery.

I decide to buy Y/N her favourite flowers and a big teddy from the shop next door to the hospital.

God I hope I can see her soon in need to apologise to her and let her know that I love her.

God what if she has amnesia and forgets me.

Or worse what if... what if she doesn't make it. If the last thing I said to her was in the heat of an argument I couldn't live with myself.

"Mr Twombly, can you come to the front desk" I jump up and run to the front desk.

"Hello again, Y/N is out of surgery and you can see her now. She's in room 24." I let out the breathe I was holding, thank god she's ok.

I collect my gifts and make my way to her room.

When I walk into her room my heart breaks, seeing her with bruises and cuts all over her.

I rush to her side and sit in the chair next to her. I hold her small hands in mine.

"Y/N I don't know if you can hear me but I need you to know that I love you and I'm so sorry for shouting.

I love you so much it hurts and when you open your gorgeous Y/E/C eyes I'm gonna tell you in person and then I'm going to make all this up to you." I say starting to sob when I reach the end on my sentence. I lay my head down on her bed as close to her as I could be and hold her hand.

After a while I fall asleep.

I wake up and feel Y/N tightening her grip on my hand.

I start to get a bit worried and think about getting the doctor but then I hear a small.

"Stuart " I turn around quickly to see Y/N awake.

"Y/N, oh thank god your awake. I'm here don't worry." I say sitting back down next to her.

"What happened?" She asks, she's probably confused about where she is and how she got here.

After I explain what happened she starts to cry and I get worried.

"Stuart I'm so sorry about the fight I should have told you what happened. Graham came up to me and he start-" but I cut her off before she gets too emotional and before I start to cry as well.

"Hey, shh, it's ok the team told me what happened. I'm so sorry I said all those things and didn't let you explain. It's just your so beautiful and amazing and I always wonder why your with someone like me so when I heard about Graham I just broke.

Then I heard about your accident and it was all my fault and you could have died..." I start to ramble as tears make there way down my face.

She brings her hands up to my face and wipes them away.

"Stuart it wasn't your fault and look I'm fine, I'm alive and I'm with you. There's nothing more I could ask for." She smiles.

"I love you Y/N. I love you so much that it hurts and all those things I said before were just in the heat of the argument and-" I was cut off by her lips on mine I relax into it and I'm so glad I got the chance to do that again.

We both smile into the kiss as we pull apart.

We rest our heads together and I can finally look into her gorgeous Y/E/C eyes.

The end.....

Book 2 of Dylan O' Brien ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon