A night in the maze Thomas

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Y/N's POV.

Left. Another left. And then a right... I thought to myself as I ran back to the glade.

It was a cold night and I discovered a few nights ago that I had a mild cough.

It wan't that bad so when Minho offered to ask another runner to run in my place, I politely rejected.

I must have been half way back when I slipped on some grieved slime. Just what I need, I thought as I stood up and brushed myself off.

Running about another 5 minutes, I heard a sound. Very... unusual... unfamiliar. Whirr click click whirr.

I turned around to see two grieves glaring at me, each a good 15 metres away.

I didn't have time to panic. I inhaled sharply and ran as fast as my lungs would allow.

Another few minutes and I had lost one griever due to a section closing. But the other wasn't tiring. The doors were in view. But as I looked closer I saw that they were closed.

"What?"I screamed.

"What do I do?" I cried, putting my hands to my face. Just then my torch fell out of my pack. I bent down to pick it up and turned it on.

The griever almost hissed at me to turn it off but I used the light to climb up the Ivy on the walls.

The griever hissed again and readied its self to climb when I remembered the knife in my back pocket.

On the handle words were written. I shone my torch on them.

'Only use in the case of emergency or if one of the other shanks misbehave - Minho' It read.

I smiled slightly but realised what I had to do.

I aimed the knife at the griever and threw it as hard as I could.

The griever cried in agony and moved about a bit on the maze floor, as if deciding whether to give up or not when suddenly it stared at something around the corner and ran off in that direction.

I sighed in relief and carefully climbed down the wall after a short wait.

It was a rough night, but I had no choice but to stay curled up in a ball on the maze floor, just waiting for morning light.

When the doors did open I was greeted by a few gladers and a crying Chuck who gave me a big hug.

"Y/n! I-I was so scared last night. I was thinking about what would happen if you didn't make it." He sobbed.

"It's okay Chuck." I said and patted his back. "I made it and that's all that matters."

"Yeah but if you didn't, everyone would be devastated. Especially Thomas." Chuck said. "He would lose his mind."

"Thomas?" I said looking around.

"So he doesn't know I didn't get back in time?" I asked.

Chuck shook his head. "Nobody could tell him that. He'd probably start throwing things or something. We just said you felt ill and went to bed last night." He said.

I nodded, unaware Thomas cared so much for me... Chuck then took me to the med-jack hut where I washed, got some clean clothes and had some food and water.

I drank it, so grateful to be back in the glade with my friends. Thomas walked in then, and gave me a huge hug.

"Y/n, oh god are you feeling better?" He asked, concerned.

"Uhm well actually Thomas..." I started, not wanting to lie to him. When the others in the room knew I was gonna tell him about my night in the maze they literally ran for the door, aware of the possibility that Thomas was gonna go crazy and rip up the floor boards or something.

"What's up with them?" Thomas laughed and I couldn't help but do the same.

"I don't know but Thomas but I gotta tell you something." I said. "Anything Y/n." He said and held my hand. Such a sweet and gentle gesture that I adore.

"Well last night, I wasn't ill. I was running in the maze and I didn't get back in time so..." I stopped talking seeing Thomas's face empty of colour.

"Y/n, oh god why, you could have... died." He said, closing his eyes. "I know Thomas, but it's okay, I'm alright." I assured him.

"And those shanks said you were safe in bed..." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around me. I loved how safe I felt then, like nothing like this would happen again, but I couldn't just think that.

"I'm safe now, I'm with you now." I whispered. "You mean that? You mean we can like... be together?" He asked, his eyes filled with a usual tint of curiosity. I laughed and nodded making him really happy.

"You don't know how much that means to me Y/n, I love you." He stated, pulling me in for a kiss.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me, full of passion and desire.

I kissed back, stroking his cheek as I did so.

I pulled away and smiled. Thomas frowned and groaned. I smirked and took his hand, "C'mon, I still need to map out my section."

The end.....

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