I am Y/N Thomas part 1

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Y/N's POV.

I walked to the center of the Glade, each of the Gladers following my lead as everyone gathered around the Box.

Newt looked to me with a raised eyebrow, "Do you think it'll be a girl this time, shebean?" I shake my head, looking down at the large metal doors. "No, today marks my fourth month being here.

I have a feeling that if they were sending up another girl, the Creators would have done it already." Newt nods, seemingly in agreement, his hand lifting as his fingers ran absentmindedly over his lips.

I walked to the side of the Box as Gally went to the other side, the two of us hauling open the heavy metal doors.

I leaned against the one I had opened and watched as Gally jumped into the Box, the rusted cage rattling beneath him.

Peeking around his shoulder, I caught a glimpse of the new greenie's warm, whiskey-colored eyes. His eyes found mine with clear curiosity before darting back around to search his surroundings.

Gally leaned over him slightly, "Day one, Greenie. Rise and shine." I watched as he grasped the new boy's hand, hauling him out of the Box none too delicately.

He got to his feet, looking around at the towering stone walls in confusion and mild fear. Before anybody could identify his actions, the greenie took off running towards the doors.

"We got a runner!" Zart shouted with a laugh, a few of the others joining and pointing.

As the boy began gaining distance, his foot caught in a rut in the dirt which sent him tumbling forwards, his face connecting with the ground before he rolled once or twice.

I covered my mouth with my hand as I repressed a giggle, watching the greenie struggle to catch his bearings.

"Well somebody go help him out," I say, shoving Frypan's shoulder. Nobody made a move and I rolled my eyes, setting off towards the boy at a jog.

"Hey, Green Bean. Hell of a fall you took." He fumbled to his feet, looking around himself cautiously.

"W-What is this place?" As if on cue, Alby walked over, nodding in the opposite direction.

"Come with me, I'll show you." The boy's eyes didn't leave me as he nodded slightly, which made Alby's eyes roll.

"Eyes off the girl, shuckface. It's time for the tour." I giggled as he lightly shoved the greenie's shoulder, urging him out of his momentary trance before leading him away from me. I sent the boy a small wave and he nearly tripped as he walked beside Alby.

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