Trying To Be Better Dylan O'Brien

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Third Person POV.

His name, his eyes, the way he talks, it all mesmerized you.

He never noticed you, and you pretended you had no idea who he was whenever you were asked about him.

But... after he gained popularity in high school, you two never talked.

The worst part was that he was dubbed as the schools "bad boy", and of course that only made him cuter to you.

Once again, he changed your life when you were walking to your 5th period class.

He appeared out of the blue and pushed you up against a set of lockers. "Help me", was all he said.

He placed a piece of paper on your chest and walked away.

You looked at the paper, on it was an address of some café and a time.

After walking to your 5th period, you realized that he was in your next class.

As soon as the bell rang your heart beat sped up as you walked agonizingly slowly to 6th period.

The bell rang as you stepped foot in front of your seat.

He looked at you from across the classroom with a stern face.

You looked away and wrote down the notes.

"Y/N!", His voice called you after school.

Your brother waited for you, "I need to know if you're going to come".

You couldn't believe he was actually talking to you so you just nodded and hoped no one would see you.

He gave a small smile and then ran away.


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When you got home, you decided to change into something better and then go to that café.

Skipping time ⏭

When you arrived, he wasn't there so you just ordered something to drink and waited in a booth.

At 6:15 on the dot, he walked in, looking around cautiously for you and then his eyes landed on you.

He walked over with a slight verve in his step.

"Why'd you ask me to meet you here, in the middle of nowhere?", You asked quizzically.

He cleared his throat, "You know my 'buddies' that I hang out with? Yea well they saw me looking at you one day and they plan on hurting you real bad".

"Why should you care? Aren't you their leader or something?", You replied His eyes shifted, "Because.. because I just think you're too sweet and good looking to be hurt by them.

Trust me they can do some real damage". I scoffed,

"You, of all people, think I'm too 'sweet' and 'good looking'?". He nodded. My heart rate sped up.


"I've been watching you for a long time, I know that sounds creepy but let me explain. I've seen how you act around certain people, and how you deal with people who don't like you.

You get good grades and you have great friends, I just want that.

I want you to help me be that again.

Y/N, I need you to help me be that." You couldn't believe it, the school's bad boy didn't want to be the bad boy.

"Um... I.. I don't think I'm the right person to ask..", You lied.

"Y/N, your the perfect person!", He said rather loudly, which caused people to look at you.

"O'Brien!", Another guy's voice called his name. "Y/N please just say yes, no one else will help me..", He begged "Okay".


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Skipping time ⏭

Over time, O'Brien eventually lived up to his promises and made sure no one would hurt you "Y/L/N, nice ass", Some random guy cat called you in the halls "Just one more thing you won't have out of me", You replied, smirked and walked away.

O'Brien came up from behind you and put his arm around your shoulder as you walked to 6th period.

"He's not wrong, you do have a nice ass", He joked.

"Yea I know, it's just more fun to piss him off". He looked behind you and saw that the douche was still looking at your ass so he hugged you.

And maybe added a little neck kiss just to make the other guy mad.

He sat next to you in your class and even did his work, which he hadn't done in a while. "You got a good grade?", You asked.

"Well I understand it. I payed attention in class I just didn't do my work cause I thought it was stupid, I mean I still do but I'll do it", he ranted. You smiled when he scratched his neck nervously, then you placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey.. um, I have one more question I need to ask..", He asked You looked over to him after your friend left, "Yea.. what's up?".

"Will you go on a date with me ?".

What me.

"Yes you Y/N"

"Oh.. sure I go on a date with you!" He picked you up and spun you around in a circle,

"Yes!", he threw a fist up in the air.

The end.....

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