Yes of course I marry you Dylan O'Brien

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Y/N's POV.

The car ride was comfortably silent.

Dylans hand rested on my thigh as I was anxiously waiting for the turn into his parents driveway.

His family had invited me and Dylan to their thanksgiving dinner.

He let out a deep sigh as he turned the corner into a familiar street, the street he grew up in.

He parked the car in his parents driveway while leading me out, he held a tight grip on my hands as he leaned forward and knocked on the front door with his other hand.

Almost instantly the door was pulled back to reveal his mother, dressed in an apron welcoming us.

Y/n, Dylan!" She exclaimed as she leaned forward to hug us.

"Oh sweetheart you just get even more gorgeous every time I see you!" She cooed as she held my cheeks between my hands, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

By now I had visited his family so often me and his mother were practically best friends, I was very comfortable around his parents.

"We'll come in, come in!" She said while gesturing for Dylan to enter the house, who was swaying his feet on the front porch with his hands dug unto his pockets.

While I, on the other hand, was inside the house saying hello to everyone, immediately being welcomed by his family who already loved me from past experiences.

Skipping time ⏭

Everyone was sat around a small wooden table, decorated with a christmassy red tablecloth. We all held hands while we all exchanged what we were thankful for, mine being my loving boyfriend Dylan, and his kind loving family, making everyone aww and coo.

As everyone began digging into all the food dressed on the table, desserts, food, appetisers, and a bowl of mac and cheese which intrigued dylan.

I watched as his cousin grabbed out her phone recording him as he played with his food.

Digging his fork into the mac and cheese and dragging it out, displaying how stretchy the cheese was for everyone to see, making his mother groan.

The entire night was enticing, playing in the parks with Dylan and his family like little children, messing around with a pool table and some light drinking.

Finally at the end of it all Dylan sighed on the outdoor furniture, where everyone was seated on a wooden table laughing and talking.

His sigh made everyone fall quiet, they all darted a glance at him, like they were expecting something to happen.

Then Dylan turned to me, I had a confused expression written all over my face.

"I guess everyone knows by now," He said while turning his chair to stare right into my eyes.

"Everyone except Y/n i guess." He said nervously, slightly chuckling but stopping once he realised nobody else found it funny.

"Well here it goes," "Y/n you are honestly the most important part of my life, your like my family." He said while gesturing out to everyone as he stepped out of his chair and bent down on one knee.

"I want to spend every morning waking up to your gorgeous face, and i never want to spend a second away from you. So," He said while sighing, reaching into his pocket to grab something.


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As he pulled his arm back he revealed a small black box.

"Will you do me the honour of making this official, and marrying me?" He said with a soft smile.

I gasped lightly, it was like the air had been knocked out of me.

I tried to fight very dizzy feeling, every last thought that maybe this was a dream.

"Dylan." I managed to blurt out, still in shock.

"Yes," I suddenly sighed out too low for anyone to heart, catching my breath.

"Yes of course!" I repeatedly yelled while leaning down to hug him, my response making everyone break out in applause and congratulations.

And in the corner of my eye as my head was resting in his shoulder, i noticed his cousin with her phone, capturing every moment.

The end.....

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