l show you Dylan O'Brien

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Y/N's POV.

This is it, the last day of shooting the movie 'The Internship'. After all the long days put into this movie it's going to be completed. Just a few more lines to re-read... than re-read again to perfect and a surprisingly a kiss.

Yep, a kiss. And who else would it be but the one and only adorkable Dylan O'Brien, aka Stuart. I'd be perfectly fine doing a kiss scene except for the point that, well... I'VE NEVER KISSED ANYONE BEFORE! My first kiss is going to be on camera, just great. Like I need to embarrass myself even more.

I can just imagine what is going to happen. I'd lean in for the kiss while romantic movie kisses run through my head, my brain knowing what to do but my lips not knowing and messing everything up.

Dylan has probably kissed more girls than I can count because of filming.

Wait, what if I just let him take the lead in the kiss, but that would mean I'd just be standing there doing nothing, which would end up still being awkward for the both of us.

Arh, why is this so hard it's going to last for only a few seconds anyway.

My makeup artist Sandra, comes through the door with her bag full of the magical powders the pencils and lip sticks that transforms me into the character 'Kayla'.

"All ready for your last day shooting?"

"As ready as I'll even be. But I am really going to miss being Kayla."

"Ah yes, most actors I've encountered don't want to leave behind the character they've created. They say it's like leaving behind a bit of your self."

"Well they might decide to make a second movie."

"There's always the chance. But let's get this makeup on you." As Sandra worked her magic, my brain keep bouncing back to the thought of the kiss and how the events will play out.

All the things that could go horribly wrong or some how surprisingly great, though I really have my doubts about that one. Within half an hour all my makeup was done and had my outfit on, all that was needed to be done now was go to the set without fainting and remember all my lines.

The whole way there I was a nervous wreck, my stomach felt like it was doing front flips.

I started chewing on gum just to help pass the time and ease my nerves.

As I arrived I saw all the crew chatting and taking to one another.

I slowly approached not really joining in on the conversations, just blending in.

Book 2 of Dylan O' Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now