I really really really like you Stuart Towmbly

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Third Person POV.

The breeze swept through her hair, the beautiful view before her making the whole scene almost surreal.

The ocean waves cheapened down, far down, below her as she stood atop the cliff.

The distance noice of cars honking and colossal city is shining into her eyes.

The Golden Gate Bridge stood broad and tall as she admired everything about to city.

Her friends stood around her talking, laughter being present every other minute making a smile graze her lips.

The small moment made her feel something deep inside her.

Yearning is the best word she could think of.

Yearning to have nights like these, staring out into the beautiful abyss with loved ones by her side, but it wasn't everlasting.

Soon she would be back home across the country after the Internship she has applied for and far, far away from her little infinity.

She let out a sigh, then taking in the fresh air that would soon be gone and replaced with the suffocating and overwhelming air she once new.

It wasn't fair.

Turning her head she focused on the main conflict of leaving.

Stuart Twombly.

She'd be lying if she said she hadn't gained dealings for the boy, because unfortunately she has, big time. Everything about him made her crazy.

From his gorgeous features and body to his slightly overbearing yet enjoyable personality.

She had fallen head over heals for him and she couldn't imagine leaving him within a month.

He talked to Nick with his arms folded, smile adoring his pink lips as he laughed at something Nick had said.

Y/n couldn't help her own smile that seemed to stretch upon her lips at the small gesture.

Turning her gaze back to in front of her, she continued to admire the masterpiece in front of her, not noticing Stuart was doing the same but it wasn't the view he was admiring.

Stuart had fallen for the quirky and gentle woman over the extensive time he had gotten to know her.

He loved everything she did and everything about her.

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