Not In Public Thomas

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Third Person POV.

The first time I had hooked up with Thomas, I don't know what I was expecting.

We had been dating for a few weeks at that point, but I still didn't know quite what was going to happen.

But even now, it was surprising just how submissive Thomas really was.

You'd think he would be a little rough, since he was basically the leader of the group. He always seemed up for a challenge.

He'd gotten tougher over the years, hardened by the things WCKD made you do.

But at the same time, he was also hesitant a lot of the time.

He would rather pull you onto his lap and suck on your neck then lay on top of you. Which was fine.

You usually initiated things and were the top.

And tonight was no different.

Thomas had been sitting at the dinner table with all the other boys when you slid over next to him, one hand already resting on his leg.

Thomas didn't think too much of it and kissed your cheek before taking a bite of his food.

"How was running today?" You asked sweetly, moving your hand up a bit.

Thomas's eyes flitted over to you quickly as he paused a bit, tensing at your touch. You slid your hand up a bit farther.

"Good. How was the medhut?" He choked out.

The other boys at the table hadn't noticed, too busy in their conversation.

Or maybe it was that your arm was hidden under the table.

"Fine. Pretty boring. But, That reminds me. After dinner, I need to show you something in the medhut." You batted your eyes and looked up at him.

Thomas smiled and nodded, the slightest bit of pink on his cheeks.

It was barely visible though, and the other boys paid no attention to it.

"Yeah...yeah, sounds good-" He was cut off by a sharp inhale as your hand reached his crotch, palming it through the fabric of his jeans.

You smiled innocently as he struggled to keep his breathing normal.

"Something wrong? Thomas?" You asked, giving your best concerned face as you started to apply more pressure.

Book 2 of Dylan O' Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now