Asshole Stuart Twombly

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Y/N's POV.

We are finally here baby." I say as Stuart gets out of the car with a massive smile on his face. "It looks so big." He says speechless. "Wow, this is the first time I've seen you speechless Stuart." I say with a giggle.

He smirks at me before saying. "Remember that one time. Candles. Bed. You were in a-" "Stuart shut up. Okay this is the second time I've seen you speechless. Happy?" I say embarrassed. "Very." He smiles as he gabbing my hand and kissing my cheek.

We walk through the big glass doors with the words Google across the building.

Me and Stuart let go of each other once we are through the doors. Stuart isn't a big fan of PDA, he just thinks it's awkward having little romantic moments with other people around.

I don't really feel the same way.

Honestly I don't care what other people think. So we kinda compromised.

We can hold hands.

Have little cheek kisses.

But other than that is a no. I'm okay with that, but there has been sometimes where I wished I could just kiss him then and there.

After we are signed in and given our hats and lanyards Stuart goes off to the cafe to get us some coffee.

As I wait outside the cafe a guy with tan skin, black hair and a smirk comes up to me. "Hey beautiful, did it hurt?" He says with a cocky smile.

What is happening? "Uh, what?" I'm so confused right now. "Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven?" As he says this he slides closer to me and puts his arm around me.

I immediately jerk away. "Wow, I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend." "Well sweetheart you should just dump him and get with me.

Oh I'm Graham by the way." He leans in to kiss my cheek but again I jerk away. "Dude Really? I have a boyfriend. Back off." I say not caring about him anymore.

I bet he's one of those guys who tries to get with anyone. Ugh what an asshole. "Uh, hi." Stuart says as he come over with two cappuccinos in his hands.

"Graham this is my boyfriend Stuart this is a guy who randomly came up to me and started flirting with me." I say as Stuart hands me my coffee.

I give him a quiet thank you and a smile.

I see Stuart's cheek flush a light red as I spell out 'boyfriend'. We've been together for like a year but he still hasn't wrapped his head around the fact we are together.

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