A favor Stuart Twombly part 3

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Y/N's POV.

The last few weeks were a mixture of stress, lack of team work and losing challenge after challenge making my job here very complicated.

I was seeing potential with these five individuals but the more they refused to work together the more complicated my decision is going to be.

Stuart was being very distant towards me after our conversation of him being socially awkward.

Neha was trying to point out that Stuart may actually have a little crush on me because that may be the only reason why he is being so distant to me.

I denied that out right but she was persisted it was true, right now I was changing into my athletic wear with Neha sitting on my bed waiting for me.

Once I changed and exited the bathroom she had a small concerned look on her face but once she saw me the look disappeared.

"Are you okay Neha?" I asked taking the hair tie from my personal bag and tied up my strawberry blonde hair into a high ponytail.

"Fine...why you ask?" she wondered I cocked my brow until she sighed knowing that she couldn't hide this from me.

Looking at her hands she began to pick at her index nail with her thumb before looking at me again.

"Okay...well...I'm not as confident as I act..." "I know...I noticed." I answered seeing the look of surprise hit her face as I finished tying up my hair then smacked my legs with my hands.

"You have?" she asked I moved over taking a seat next to her on the bed, she looked away from me and continued to pick at her nails.

"I'm a very observant person...I can see that you are trying to be this hyper sexualized confident girl but deep down you are scared to be your actual self because you don't want to be unliked by others." I pointed out watching her excessively pick at the nail as I touched her hands with mine watching her look up at me.

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