Go stilinski Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

"WOOHOOO!!" the crowd screams as another goal is made by the one and only, my love, Stiles Stilinski.

"Go Stilinski!!"

"Go Stilinski my ass," someone mutters, which turns out to be Jackson.

"Shut your mouth before I pop you in it," I scream back and he turns around while rolling his eyes.

Before the game ⏮

As Y/N walks into the school's front doors, all eyes are on her.

She sways her hips showing off her new curves and all the guys stare while the girls scoff.

Walking over to her normal clan which are Stiles, Scott, Kira, Lydia, Liam, Mason, and Malia.

She gave them all hugs and lingering to Stiles then smirking.

Whispers erupt as everyone can't believe Y/N's new image.

"Who's that?" Jackson asks Danny.

"That's Y/N duh," Danny says in return.

"But where are her glasses, she's smaller in her waist and those curves.. Are you sure?" Jackson questions while his mouth is agape.

"Most definitely," Danny smirks before grabbing his bag, waving to Y/N along his journey.

"Hey Y/N, how are you?" Jackson asks coming into Y/N's view.

"I'm okay. What about you?"

"I'm better, now that I'm talking to you," he smirks and she rolls her eyes. "What do you want Jackson?" she asks while trying to open her locker.

"If we win the game, I want to take you out for dinner," he says giving his flirtatious smirk that most girls fall for. In the distance, Stiles and Scott watch the scene before them.

"No," she says looking towards him and tending back to her locker.

"Why not," he asks placing his hand on her lower back and she huffs.

"Because I already have plans," she replies back, shoving his hand off of her as if it was a fire.

"Plans?" he scoffs, "You of all people have plans."

"Yeah, I do. Now if you will excuse me I gotta go," she smirks before walking away.

Back to the game ⏭

Y/N's POV.

Soon enough both of the teams are head to head, whichever team that scores next wins the game.

whistle blows Beacon Hills gets the ball first; Greenberg throws it to Scott while Stiles gets closer to the goal.

With one throw Stiles catches the ball before throwing it towards the net, breaking the tie, and everyone on the home side screams.

I ran down to meet the two after everyone bombards Stiles with high fives and whatnot. Engulfing Scott into a hug I congratulate him on helping with the win before turning to Stiles, jumping into his arms, and engulfing him into one too.

"Oh my gosh great job out there! Congrats on making the first line and scoring so many goals! "

"Thank you, Y/N," he smiles while hugging me tighter, literally crushing my bones.

"Well, well, if it isn't dumb and dumber," Jackson laughs referring to Scott and Stiles while he places me back onto the ground.

"And hello to the gorgeous and talented
Y/N !" he smirks.

"See Jackson," I say slightly stepping away from Stiles then adding,

"This is one of the reasons you and I could never be a thing." He steps closer to me and asks,

"What's the other?" I smirk and turn towards Stiles placing my lips passionately onto his and I hear Jackson's crew go into laughter; after a few seconds we both pull away breathlessly.

"I'm taken by the one and only Stiles Stilinski," I respond, grabbing Stiles' hand and walking to the locker rooms with Scott following.

"Y/N that was badass!" Scott laughs and I join in.

"Thanks, McCall," I smirk before looking at Stiles who was dazed.

Scott looks at him as well when we come to the door of the locker rooms.

"Uhm is he okay?" he questions and I nod.

"He'll meet you in there," I respond nodding to him and he goes in while I take Stiles to the side.

"Dude?!" I murmur while waving my hand in his face and he still looks dazed.

"Hello?" I question again and he still doesn't answer so I have no choice but to slap him.

"Ow! What was that for?" He shouts quietly looking at me.

"You weren't paying attention," I smirk while looking into his eyes.

"I was thinking about something?"

"About?" I question and he smiles then wraps his arms around my waist.

"Go out with me?" he asks and I squint before nodding.

"Sure but you need to take a shower you reek of sweat and grass," I laugh while pushing him away.

"Hey! You're supposed to love me," he pouts.

"And I do but you stink," I say back and he murmurs a quick fine after placing a chaste kiss on my cheek then running to the locker rooms.

Skipping time ⏭

Third Person POV.

Later on, the three, Scott, Y/N, and Stiles are walking to Roscoe while Jackson stares in from the distance.

Once they get to the jeep Stiles leans against it while he and Scott are having a conversation, Y/N leans against his chest. Stiles wraps his arm around her making her feel safe resulting to the closing of her eyes.

On the other side of the parking lot.

"That's wrong," Jackson huffs. "What?" Danny asks looking towards Jackson, away from his phone. "Them," he says pointing towards Y/N and Stiles.

"Oh, they're cute together," Danny smiles then looks back towards his phone.

Laughing Jackson then says, "She's way too hot for that human being Stiles." But little did he know, Scott was listening to their conversation and he tells the couple.

Y/N smirks then tells Stiles her plan which was for them to kiss and him get touchy-feely if you know what I mean.

She turns around and kisses Stiles as if they've never kissed before; he skims down her body with his hands before landing on her ass and squeezing.

This caused Jackson to clench his jaw before starting his ignition and rolling out of the parking; leaving the three in a heap of laughter.

The end.....

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