Dear Diary Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

Dear Diary...

To cut down a story that would probably end up being longer than it needed to be; He finally asked me out.

It may have been a little awkward, but lets be real here, its Stiles and I wouldn't have expect anything else.

If he had asked me out without stuttering at least once, I probably would have walked away thinking that he was defiantly messing with me.

You know what? I'm just gonna tell you what happened anyway.

So it all started at school when I was sitting in the library alone, waiting for a friend to return from getting a book.

He approached me rather discreetly, like he still hadn't completely made up his mind and if need be, he could pull out and walk away without me noticing.

But I was fully aware that he was creeping toward me, and let me tell you he looked like a complete fool.

After five or so minutes, he finally approached me and sat down at the table, a small smile playing on his lips as I waited for him to speak up.


"Hey," Then the awkwardness settled in and he began to shift in his seat awkwardly, like one of his feet wanted to pull him away but the other was determined to stay put. He stopped shifting.

"I was wonder if uh, you maybe wanted to... I don't know... go on a date with me? Maybe?" I couldn't help but giggle at the poor boy even though my stomach was exploding with butterflies.

I said yes, obviously, then he scurried away in a flash after saying a I'll message you the details tonight! He didn't disappoint, for that night he messaged me saying when and where, then that when turned into today and before I knew what had hit me it was already over.

He had taken me to that little Cafe down the street, and then to much of my disapproval, paid for everything before the two of us went for a walk down the street before he was pulling me into a little shop that had the most cutest little dresses and an unbelievable collection of records.

As much as I wanted to, I didn't buy anything in the fear that he would want to pay for it.

He had already brought me lunch and I defiantly wasn't letting him buy me something else.

By now, it was getting kind of late, and just before he walked me home he spoke up again, "There was a reason I asked you on this suck-ish date.

I guess I just wanted to get you alone for a while so I could finally ask you... Did you want to be my girl-Girlfriend?"

He was stuttering as he rubbed the back of his neck and I was afraid my legs would give way below me as I finally said Yes.

- Y/N

The end.....

Book 2 of Dylan O' Brien ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя