The most handsome Stiles Stilinski

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Third Person POV.

You always knew it would be Stiles. Even when you met him, when you barely knew him, something in the shine in his eyes, in the spark of his grin told you he was what they meant when they talked about love at first sight.

Everything about him seemed so interesting and you wanted to know all there was to know about this boy with sunshine in his smiles and a promise of trouble in his eyes you had no doubts when it came to Stiles.

He had taken your heart and your breath before you even realised that the feeling in your chest meant love.

Stiles himself, he didn't just get a crush on the heart stompingly beautiful new girl with a wicked sense of humour and knack for sarcasm oh no, he just about tripped into love with you.

He didn't believe happiness could be a person till he met you.

You were bubbly, snarky, geeky, intelligent and everything he dreamed of but best of all you liked him. Truth be told, he was still shocked you gave him the time of day, that you hadn't been bored by him yet and he was lucky enough that you were giving all your smiles to him.

It was inevitable really you two falling in love. It was the easiest thing either of you'd had ever done; it was like breathing, a second nature like it was already written for you in the stars through fate and now you were living it out.

And falling in love with Stiles was easily the best thing to happen to you.

The gentle but constant drum of falling rain on the roof pulled you from your sleep from inside the Stilinski household you scrunched your nose in annoyance as you peeked your eyes open to see why you had been awakened, catching a glimpse of the dull grey sky through the gap of the curtain and you groaned.

It looked terrible outside.

Stiles' warm arm was secured around your middle, cuddling into you as he slept soundly beside you, unaffected by the weather disturbance outside unlike yourself.

You shifted closer to Stiles, letting your heavy eyes slid shut as you tried to drift off to sleep again, trying to savour the moment of being curled into your boyfriend as he snored adorably in his sleep, ever so often letting some mumbles out.

But as soon as you shut your eyes it seemed your body had already begun waking up and you groaned again, opening your eyes and flipping over in the bed to face Stiles.

He was pouting, even in his sleep and you tried to stifle your laugh as he adorably shifted his face to another unusual expression and you spotted the trail of drool leading down his face such a charmer, Stiles was.

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