What are you doing Thomas

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Y/N's POV.

The greenie sat across from me, the sun hitting his face just right and the light causing his eyes to brighten up from the chocolate brown they usually were to a golden-sand colour.

The moles stood out against his pale skin, soiled by dust and dirt smeared across his face, his white teeth shining as he laughed.

His plump lips demanding attention as he spoke, laughing again with the other boys and his tongue ran over his bottom lip, catching some juice from the apple he'd bitten into as he chewed it, jaw clenched.

I felt a nudge in my side and my attention jumped, my head whipping around to look at Newt as the smirk on his face was mirrored by everyone else around the table, especially the greenie who had stopped mid-chew.

I looked around, eyebrow raised as I shrugged, implying for someone to tell me what was happening but it was shaken off, conversation soon following.

Standing up and clearing away, I found myself making my way to my hut and swinging the door open as I stomped my foot on the ground, holding my hand and screaming into my hand as I jumped around.

Despite the fact we were forced to act like adults, sometimes you're sexually-frustrated inner teen just burst out.

"Did I get here at a bad time?" A voice cut through my silence and I jumped, spinning around with a scowl to face the perpetrator, my breath catching slightly when Thomas' tall and wide figure entirely filled my doorway, his head ducked to step into the hut.

"Yes. Actually, a very bad time. What is it, Thomas?" I asked, desperately trying to remain calm in this moment, sweat almost building on my brow in hopes of not letting my eyes roam across his body, the slight layer of sweat on him from the heat, the soft pant in his breath from the jog he must have taken to get here so quickly.

His eyes, locked on me as I avoided their gaze, not helping my current problem by using my eyes to play dot-to-dot with the moles along his pale skin and I let out the shaky breath I'd been holding in, slowly and quietly.

"You seemed a little.. distracted.

I came to see if you were okay." He mumbled and my eyes were locked on his lips as he spoke and I finally dared myself to look I to his eyes, which was apparently a very bad decision because they were trained on me, a look in his eyes I couldn't decider and I was itching to reach up and wipe the half-smirk half-smile from his lips and I held back, nails digging into the palm of my hand.

"Very.. not okay." I sighed, smoothing the non-existent creases from my top and closing my eyes and breathing slowly, almost allowing my heart-rate to calm, but it shot up again when he hand landed on my waist, the other pressed against my forehead.

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