Secret santa Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

Stiles had exited my room from my bedroom window, telling me about secret Santa gift exchange for the group.

He asked me if i thought it was a good idea and i instantly jumped at it, it seemed really fun to do with the group.

I eagerly pulled a name out of the hat and got Lydia, easy.


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The next morning I had bought a ton of makeup for her, knowing her favourite products.

I was completely set for the secret santa and finished wrapping them when Stiles came tumbling into my room.

"Woah Y/n you've already gotten the gifts ready?" He asks while chuckling, surprised at how prepared you are.

"Yep, it was pretty easy depending on my person either way." I sighed.

I slowly approached Stiles as he engulfed me in a tight hug and leant his chin on my head, as he towered over me from our drastic height difference.

He placed a gentle kiss on my head before pulling apart, sighing.

"Well, i better get going. I've gotta get you a gift. OH WAIT-" He said shocked thatd he'd ruined the surprise.

"It's fine," I said while giggling madly. "Im sure you'll find something good." I smiled sweetly as he exited through the window, he shot me a thumbs up and a sweet grin before sliding out.


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Skipping time to a couple of days ⏭

"Ok Lydia here you go!" I said while passing out the gifts under the tree anonymously to everyone.

I slightly readjusted my santa hat resting on my head as it almost tumbled over, causing a few short laughs to escape.

"Aww thank you Y/n." Lydia swooned after tearing apart the gift wrapping.

"Wha- how did you know i got this?!" I asked while looking at her as if she had telepathy.

She chuckled before answering, "I only told you that I wanted these things, when we went shopping a few weeks ago." I made an ohh sound in response, recalling that day we went out.

"Besides I think any of us could recognise that wrapping paper, you only use this one!" She said making me laugh.

Skipping time ⏭

"Wait Y/n." Stiles said as I exited Scott's house. "What's up stilinksi?" I asked in a good mood.

"I wanted to give you this one specially." He said while handing me a jewellery box.

"Ooh fancy." I said making him gasp out laughing.

I opened the gift to reveal a gorgeous locket containing photos of us both, both photos of us on Christmas the past two years.

"Stiles..." I said while staring up into his puppy dog eyes.

His hands naturally found its way to my waist as my hands interlocked behind his neck, pulling him in to kiss him after seeing his gorgeous Christmas present for me.

The end.....

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