I am Y/N Thomas Part 2

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Y/N's POV.

After getting dressed the next morning, I went to the dining hall and took a seat by Minho for breakfast like always.

Apparently Thomas had gotten up earlier than most of the others, waking at the same time as the Runners.

"Hey there, Tommy. What're you doing up?" I ask as he sat across from Minho and I.

He shrugs slightly, "I don't know. I guess I'm a light sleeper cause I woke up when you and the other Runners did."

"Did you sleep okay besides that?" I ask him politely. He nods with a small smile, "Yeah. Did you?"

"I slept fine, Thomas. Thank you for asking." I rest my chin on my hand, looking at him from across the table.

"Ugh, would you two give it up and make out already?" Minho chimed with an eye roll. "Apparently you two got the hots for each other in one night, so go make goo-goo eyes at each other somewhere else." Thomas blushed, his cheeks and neck turning bright red. Meanwhile, I smacked Minho in the back of the head.

"Slim it, shuckface.

You're freaking out the green bean. Besides, we're just being polite. Isn't that right, Thomas?" I look to the boy for confirmation.

"Yeah, yeah, of course," He nods quickly before looking down at the table awkwardly.

I chuckle, moving to sit beside him rather than across from him. I ruffle his hair playfully,

"Don't be so bashful, Tommy. There's no need to be shy, I won't bite." If possible, he seemed to blush even harder, making me shake my head and chuckle slightly.

"I've gotta grab a quick breakfast, then we can take off, alright Min?" Minho nods and I head over to Frypan who was already working on breakfast for the other Gladers in the kitchen.

I grabbed an apple and some of the oatmeal he was making, thanking him and grabbing a sandwich to put in my pack for lunch later. Heading back to the other two, I nudged Minho's shoulder and he followed me.

The two of us headed to the doors, Thomas following after us awkwardly. I turned back to look at him, "Hey, Tommy. You mind holding onto something until I get back?"

"Oh- uh, yeah. Sure. What is it?" He cocked his head to the side, looking at my curiously.

I leaned up on my toes, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"I expect it to be returned after I get back, green bean. I don't trust just anyone with those." His face turned bright red, a small giggle leaving my lips at the sight. "I'll see you later." Minho rolled his eyes with a laugh as Thomas nodded, dumbfounded.

Minho and I took off into the Maze, keeping a steady pace as we jogged down the corridors we'd already memorised over our time here.

Like the everyday routine, we ran, took a break for lunch, then ran back so we could make it back in time. Without stopping, we went to the Map Room, drawing out the walls we'd gone past before putting the papers in their respective piles.

It was when I went back to my hut, closing my door and dropping my Runner's pack on the floor, that I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I groan tiredly.

The door opened, Thomas slipping in before closing it behind him. "Hey, Y/N," He murmured sheepishly.

"How was your run?"

"It was fine, Thomas." I pat the spot beside me on the bed, "Come sit." He nods and sits down beside me, looking over at me. "How was your day, Tommy?"

"So nobody's told you," He frowns. "I guess I'll be the first to break it to you," He sighs. "Ben, he uh- he attacked me. He was stung..."

"W-What?" My hand moves to cover my mouth in shock. Ben and I had been friends since I'd become a Runner. "In- In the middle of the day? No. There's no way." "Y/N, I'm really sorry," He said sympathetically.

I felt his arms wrap gently around me and I allowed myself to sink into his touch, my cheek resting against his chest. Tears formed in my eyes as I tried to repress them, wiping at them and sniffling quietly.

Thomas gently cupped my chin, looking down into my eyes for a moment before leaving a gentle kiss on my cheek. "You said that you wanted it returned," He hummed. "Now felt like the right time." Despite the tears, I gave him a small smile, nuzzling into his touch.

"Thanks, Tommy. You really are a sweet boy." He smiles slightly, hugging me close to comfort me like he had been doing before.

"Did they say when they're gonna be banishing him?" I ask sombrely.

"Tonight, I think," He sighs. I nod slightly, pressing my face into his chest.

"I'll be there with you if you want," He says. "If you need someone with you, I mean. Just kind of uh- moral support. If- If not, that's okay."

"Thomas, you need to stop being so nervous. Be a bit more confident. Of course I want you there with me, I'll need someone to hold my hand." I lace my fingers through his, looking down at our now entwined hands. "Thank you, Tommy."

"For what this time?" He asked me in confusion, looking down at me.

"For being so sweet to me," I say. "A lot of the boys try to put on some big 'tough guy' act. I'm glad that you don't do that."

"You mean like Gally?" He asked me with a small laugh.

"Yes, like Gally. He's actually pretty cool when you get to know him," I say.

"He's still an asshole." "He can be sometimes," I nod with a chuckle. "But he's really not so bad."

"Whatever you say, Y/N," Thomas snickered.

"You're getting off topic, Thomas." I chastise playfully. "And what topic do you want to be on exactly?" He asks, raising an eyebrow as he looked at me.

"A topic where I'm allowed to do this," I gently press my lips to his like I had done the night before, this kiss lasting only a moment longer.

He smiled, "Well, you can do that whenever you want to. I'm certainly not complaining."

I chuckle, "If you say so. But I think we should get to know each other a bit better before I do it anymore."

"I'd love to get to know you, Y/N."

"Well then," I lay back to get more comfortable and look up at him.

"Let's get to know each other.

The end.....

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