I know you're sigh kick and all Stiles Stilinski

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Third Person POV.

"The way he looks at you...it almost like...he's falling in love." Lydia said as she played with her hair.

You looked down the hallway to see Stiles rummaging through his locker for something.

"Yeah, okay Lydia. I know you're sigh kick and all but you sense death not love." you said as she pouted.

"Honey, you don't need to be sigh kick to know that Stiles is in love with you." Lydia spoke as you kept constantly getting glances of Stiles before you saw him close his locker and walk up towards you.

"Hey Y/n." Stiles said as you smiled at him, you didn't know what to say or do.

Lydia looked back and forth between you both and smiled.

"So, what are you guys doing this afternoon?" Lydia always does this, I have to admit she can be pretty persuasive.

"Well, I have to finish some homework in the Library." you lie as she nods.

"Oh, really? Me too.

I have some work.

Homework. But since it's not at home it's just work.

Or school work. I can do it in the Library.

Because it quiet. And has books. Books have information. And computers.

I can research on the computer." Stiles wasn't really sure on what to say.

"Okay." you chuckle out as they bell rings for 4th period.

The day passes and it's the afternoon.

You walk to the Library with Stiles, you both were talking about how the correct way to dissect a frog.

You both sat down as you began to study and do some random homework.

"Stiles, how do you get the answer to this?" You ask as your eyes were still glued to the question.

It was just silence between you two before you looked at Stiles to see him staring at you.

Maybe Lydia was right, maybe Stiles did like you? "What?" You asked as he just smiled even more, taking in every detail of your face.

Stiles leaned in and planted his lips on your as you froze in place.

You pulled away as Stiles looked shocked and scared now.

You were scared, and shocked as well.

"I-I have to--" Is all you said before you gathered your things and walked out of there fast.

You walked home and walked inside and layed down on your bed.

You suddenly hear the door open and you turn around to see Stiles standing there.

"Uh, hi." Was all he said before you stood up to be at his level.

"What do you want?" You asked in a monotone voice as you wiped the small tear that was about to fall down your cheek.

"You okay?" He asked as you stood there with your arms crossed looking at anywhere else but at him.

"I'm fine Stiles." You grunt out as he nods and walks out.


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5 days later ⏭

It had been 5 days since you and Stiles talked last and you would always see each other but you would quickly walk away.

Everyone was getting on the bus and you walked on second and took your seat just a at the back but not at the back.

You saw Stiles and Scott walk on, Stiles was pushing Scott all the way to the back when they sat right behind you.

You sighed as you got up and moved down the front with Lydia and sat next to her.

"hey." She said in surprise as you sat down and didn't look back.

"Hey." You said as you felt your phone vibrating and you pulled it out to see Stile's name on the screen.

You click the decline button.

It starts ring again.

You decline.








"What do you want!" you yelled into the phone as you looked back at Stiles.

"Look, I'm sorry okay. I should have never kissed you, I now understand how much of a big mistake that was. Just please talk to me?" Stiles begged as you sighed.

"I'm talking to you now, how's that?" You spat as you heard him sigh on the other end.

"Well, the fact that you hate me kind of ruins it." Stiles said plainly as you softened up a bit.

"I forgive you. But Stiles, I wasn't mad...I was worried." You say as you heard squeaky noise before his voice.

"Me too, I was worried that you didn't feel that way." Stiles said which made you think, did you feel that way?

"I was worried that you only kissed me because it was 'in the moment' or something. And maybe I do." You say as Stiles was nodding before he caught onto your last words.

"Y-you do?" He asked as you agreed.

"That's fantastic!" Stiles yelled and you could hear him from the back of the bus.

"Stilinksi! Keep it down!" Coach Finstock blew his whistle at Stiles as he ducked down and nodded.

You giggled at how goofy Stiles was.

The end.....

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