Fun Summer Stuart Twombly

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Y/N's POV.

"No, you're so stupid. Why would you think of doing that?" Stuart snaps at me as I tell the group of my idea for an app. "Don't call me stupid you asswipe." I snare back. "I'm sorry I hurt your feeling calling you stupid.

I really though you already knew." Stuart says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes at his lame response and continue to right down ideas for an app.

Stuart tries to get my attention by constantly poking me. "Stuart stop." I snap flicking his finger away from my arm.

Minutes past and Stuart is back at the poking. "Stuart fuck off!"

I see Stuart smirk in success. Ugh, I hate this guy. Since the very first moment we meet we've been at each other's throats.

At first I thought he was super cute with his cheeky smile and those bright brown eyes and those cute little moles around his face and those black rimmed glasses that make him look sexy as fuck.

But now I think he's a sarcastic asshole that's... kinda cute. "Why do you hate me?" Stuart asks with a fake frown.

I groan in annoyance before turning to him. "I don't hate you Stuart," I see a small smile forming on his face but before he could open his mouth I continue. "I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence."

Stuart's smile drops and I hear the rest of the team laughing and chuckling. "Can we get back to work now?" "Whatever." Stuart says rolling his eyes and moving his focus onto his phone.

The next half an hour is Billy coming up with apps that already exists while Stuart just sits on the couch, his eyes never leaving his phone.

We finally come up with an app that everyone agrees on. "Stuart? What do you think?" Neha asks.

Stuarts eyes lift from his phone for a second before dropping them back down to his phone.

"I don't know." He states in a bored tone.

"Stuart get off your fucking phone. You're not helping us at all.

This past hour we've been brain storming while you sit on your phone saying nothing. I'm sick of this shit." I snap.

I don't know why but Stuart has this way of making me snap.

I'm normally very positive and kind of a push over but when it comes to Stuart he changes all that. "Why are you so snappy?" Stuart asks with his head still buried in his phone.

"Let's make a bet. If you are able to stay off your phone for the rest of the day, I'll stop snapping at you for the rest of the summer.

But if you lose I get your beanie." I smirk at Stuart knowing he's never going to decline this offer. "Fine you got it." Stuart hands me his phone with confidence. "Great now let's get back to work."

We start brain-storming ideas for apps again and this time Stuart actually put some pretty good ideas out there.

As I tell the team my idea of an app I'm interrupted by Stuarts phone beeping.

I see Stuart's left eye twitch and a giggle starts to bubble up in my stomach.

Stuart sends me a glare and mouths 'I hate you'. I snicker as I mouth back 'I love you too you asshole'. A blush forms on his cheeks but he quickly turns away in an attempt to hide it.

I laugh at his failed attempt and I see him constantly twitching every time his phone vibrates. "I can't do it!" Stuart yells as his hand flies straight to his phone.

We all laugh as Stuart clutches his phone to his chest. "I knew you couldn't do it. Suck it Twombly you lost." Stuart glares at me before plopping down on the couch and starts scrolling through his phone.

"Come on." I reach out my arm waiting for him to give me his beanie. "But-I no that's unfair." Stuart frowns with a glare.

"Hand it over Stuart you big baby." I laugh as he rolls his eyes. "Fine." He mumbles as he takes his beanie off his head and hands it to me.

I take a second to look at Stuart without his beanie covering up most of him and damn he's cute. "Thank you." I take the beanie from his tight grip and place it on my head.

After a few seconds of adjusting it I look at Stuart with a smirk. Stuart smiles and it gives me a weird feeling. "What?" I ask. "Why do you look so happy to lose?"

"Because I get to see you in my beanie. And you look super-hot." My cheeks blush a bright red and I smile back at him.

"Hey! You two, can we please skip this whole love at first sight thing and get back to work." Neha says looking at me with a smirk.

Stuart and I's cheeks go darker with blush, Stuart coughs awkwardly and nods.

"Okay, now let's get back to work."

I can't fully focus on anything as I keep looking to Stuart to see him looking at me.

This is going to be a fun summer.

The end.....

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