Shoot it Stiles Stilinski

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Third Person POV.

"shoot it!" Y/n and allison screamed at stiles, who was standing still holding the lacrosse ball in his crosse.

stiles made quick eye contact with Y/n before shooting the ball straight past the goalie and into the net.

"yes!" Y/n screamed, jumping up and cheering.

"you really like him huh" allison says looking up and y/n, who was still stood there admiring stiles as he played.

"sorry what" she said, sitting down and looking over at allison.

"look y/n, i'm dating scott, and i'm not even like that when he scores. you obviously like him" "come on ally, he's just my best friend" "best friend my ass" they sat and watched the rest of the game, Y/n's gaze focussed on stiles the whole time. as the game drew to a close, scott and stiles ran over to the girls.

"hey babe" scott said, putting his arm around allison's shoulders and kissing her on the forehead.

"ew you're all sweaty get off me" she said pushing his arm off, but scott just put it right back.

"now you two are just too cute" stiles said,

"hey can i speak to you please" he said, looking at Y/n.

"Yeah of corse, hey guys me and stiles will be back in a second"

"okay, don't do anything i wouldn't do" allison said, smirking and Y/n.

she glared back at her, and walked off after stiles.

stiles walked into the woods and sat on a fallen down tree, looking up at the stars.

"hey so what did you want to speak about?" Y/n approached and sat beside him,

"oh uh, it's nothing really, i just um, i don't really know how to do this or anything because i haven't done this before but-"

"stiles spit it out"

"okay! i remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror before i came to this lacrosse game, and i never really came up with a good solution.

so, i don't really know what i was planning to say here if i'm honest" stiles rambled on, playing with his fingers.

"stiles, i would love to go out with you"

"wait what"

"you heard me"

"wait wait wait, are you serious right now?"

"deadly serious"

"omg this is a dream come true!" he said, jumping up,

"i've liked you for a really long time and i never thought this would actually happen!" Y/n quickly got up and ran over to stiles, and grabbed his hands.

"i've liked you for a really long time too"



"would you like to go on a date with me?"

"of course.

The end.....

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