Part 1 Your cheating on me Stuart Towmbly

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Y/N's POV.

I walk into the google building and I'm greeted by the most annoying person here.

Graham, he thinks he's so smart that girls will just fall at his feet even ones in relationships like me.

"Hey Y/N looking hot today." He says looking me up and down like a piece of meat.

"Really Graham again?" I sigh.

"What just showing you some of my natural charms and good looks." He says leaning closer and winking at me.

"Ok, you can stop right there." I say pushing him away.

"You know that I'm in a happy relationship and I rejected you before I was in a relationship.

It's getting creepy now so keep your perverted annoying and creepy self away from me." I say giving him one last shove before walking away. He grabs my wrist and holds me still.

"Come on I can give you a way better time than that nerd Stuart can." That's it, I can't hold it anymore. I raise my hand and slap him right across the face.

"How dare you. How dare you say that! You don't know him because if you did you know that Stuart treats me like nothing less than a queen.

In fact he runs laps around you so don't ever compare him to you because there is no comparison!" I shout before storming off upstairs. When I walk in everyone notices my bad mood.

"Hey Y/N are you ok. Don't take this the wrong way but you look a bit irritated." Neha says walking up to me. I tell them what happened and they all got pretty triggered by it.

"I can't believe he said that!" Neha says.

"I can't believe you slapped him." Nick says causing the others to laugh.

"Hey Where was Stuart when this happened?" "He's at the dentist and won't be back till later." Everyone nods and gets on with their work.

A few hours later Stuart walks into the office looking angry so I get up and walk to him.

"Hey Stu." I say going to kiss him. But he moved his head so I couldn't.

"Don't Hey Stu me." He grumbles.

"What's up?" He doesn't say anything just pulls me out of the office and into a small conference room.

"Your cheating on me." He states.


"I know you are, Graham came up to me and told me. And I know a lot of people saw you two very close to each other this morning when I was gone." I begin to explain what happened when he cuts me off.

"How could you! I thought... I thought ... well I was wrong.

Your just like the other girls who will date people and carry on with someone else! I thought you were different. I thought I loved you." He says. My breath is caught in my throat.

"Well I was wrong to ever think that." He whispers. With that my heart breaks and the tears I've been trying so hard to fight back fall down my face.

"Stuart." I start but he cuts me off again.

"No. I don't want to hear your excuses. We're over. Just get out my site." There's nothing I can do at this point. He won't believe a word i day and I really need to get out of this room I can't handle this.

I run out of the room and mutter a quick apology to the rest of the team.

I run to my car and start it. Then it begins to rain. Great, just what I need right now.

I pull out of the parking lot and just start to drive, I don't know where I'm going but I just couldn't breathe in that room. Everything is broken I can't believe what's happening.

I love Stuart with all my heart and the fact that he didn't trust me is too much to handle.

But if I had witnesses like Stuart I wouldn't believe me.

I should explain to him about what happened and hopefully we can get back together.

The rain starts to poor even heavier and it's getting hard to see through it.

That's the last thing I saw before something hits the left side of my car and everything goes dark.

The end.....

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