Love birds part 2 Stuart Towmbly

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Y/N's POV.

it was finally time to go home after working at google. team lyle slowly made it out of the office area. leaving stuart and i.

"okay Y/N, what have you planned?" stuart asked pulling me closer to him so i was practically in his lap.

"honestly i was having a hard time planning things but i was thinking, what if we go hang out at some park and push each other in the swings and go down the slides, since it's starting to get dark soon anyways we can go get fast food and go sit at the bridge?" i asked him, tapping the end of my pen on the clipboard. stuart blinked his eyes and started staring at me.

"what twombly?" i asked, leaning backwards feeling embarrassed.

"nothing you're just pretty that's all. but those all sound super nice to me so let's go." he piped up, moving my legs gently off of his and stood up.

he put his chair back and pulled me up out of mine, sliding it underneath my desk.

he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers and walked down to the slide.

"you know we are here late enough and i don't see anyone here so." he pressed on.

"so what stu?" he didn't say anything, he looked at me and pulled my body in front of his and pushed us down onto the top of the slide.

"Stuart we're gonna get in trouble." i whispered.

"if we do it quickly and quietly no one will know." he whispered back. i laughed at myself.

"that's what she said Stuart." i giggled again.

"alright then." he said and pushed us down the slide.

i held onto his arms as he wrapped them around my waist. we made it to the bottom and couldn't stop laughing.

i leaned back onto him and regained my composure.

"you okay down there?" he asked.

i looked up to him and was met with his whiskey eyes surrounded by those framed glasses.

"yeah i'm okay." i smiled.

"it's getting darker out. you wanna head to the park?" stuart asked, keeping the eye contact. i nodded my head and stood up. i started walking towards the doors before i was stopped.

"hey wait up Y/N." he yelled. i stopped in my tracks and turned to him.

"i didn't get very far stuart." i spoke, turning my head to the side.

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