Tired Dylan O'Brien

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Third Person POV.

You slouched into the leather seat, sighing and peering out your window.

You watched the trees speed past you, the lights quickly turn into blurs.

Dusk quickly fell outside and the once bright blue sky dulled to a grey dark blue.

Dylan, your boyfriend reached over and gently grabbed your hand; holding onto it and rubbing his thumb across your skin.

He kept his other hand on the steering wheel and controlled the car.

You looked at him and smiled softly, blinking tiredly.

"tired?" He stared at you with admiration, his brown eyes glistening.

He looked back at the road then back at you.

"Kind of, I'm alright though.." You said smiling at him.

You honestly loved him, he was the best boyfriend anyone could ever have.

"Road trips make you tired" He chuckles.

"I'm getting quite tired too" He yawned, staring at the road ahead.

"Maybe we should stop at this town up ahead for the night, or just for a quick stop" You pointed out the window- pointing to the lights a couple miles away.

You and Dylan were heading on a road trip thru the mountains, and the mountains were gorgeous but you were a little behind schedule.

"Good idea" He smiled, then nodded and continued to drive until you got to the gathering of lights.

The town was peaceful and quiet, population had to be like 2,000.

The street lights lit up the town but not too bright.

By now, the sky was dark almost pitch black.

Once Dylan parked the car on the side of the
street- right at the edge of the cliff of the mountain, you got out and stretched.

Reaching your hands to the tips of your feet and feeling your muscles stretch apart.

Dylan got out and did the same except he couldn't reach to his toes, so he stretched as far as he could.

You stood up properly and smiled- admiring the scenery in front of you.

The mountains were gorgeous, every edge was rigid, no part was smooth. The trees covering the dull rock and bare dirt.

The small down went down the side of the mountain, creating a beautiful glow throughout the trees.

Dylan walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.

He softly kissed the crease of your neck then returned to his spot on your shoulder.

You sank into him, feeling his chest collide with your back. You smiled happily and closed your eyes softly. You opened your eyes slowly again and admired the mountains again.

"We should move here" You said quietly, holding onto his hands in front of your stomach.

"This town?" He said quietly, looking at you from your shoulder.

You nodded.

"It's so peaceful, so beautiful" He smiled, stood up properly- still keeping his arms around you. He leaned his head forward and kissed the corner of your mouth.

"I love you, so much" he said quietly. You turned your head and looked at him, smiling.

"I love you too." You softly kissed his lips, loving the taste of his lips.

He kissed back, closing his eyes and holding you close. This moment was perfect, and who knows- maybe you would come back to this town.

The end.....

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