On a break Dylan O'Brien

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Third Person POV.

You and Dylan are on a 'break.

You weren't sure if Dylan was the best for you right now and if you were the best for him right now.

You were sitting on the couch watching TV and you flicked through the channels when you stopped and saw an interview they were having with Dylan.

Your heart sunk when you saw him, memories flooding back to you of you guys together.

"Do you miss her?" The interviewer asked as Dylan chuckled a bit rubbing his shoulder.

"Well, how can I not? I mean she is beautiful and I think the one thing I disliked about her was..." Dylan then had a long pause as he tried to get the words up.

"...was how she always discriminated herself.

She always thought she always thought she was not good enough when in reality...she was perfect.

And after this interview I'm going home and I'm going to march up to her and tell her how stupid it was for me to agree to this 'break' because I know that deep down inside of her...she feels the same way." Tears were in your eyes and you quickly picked up the remote and turned off the TV.

You refused to turn the TV back on as you walked into the kitchen and started making food.

After you made yourself something to eat you sat down and scrolled through twitter as you ate.

You saw constant tweets of Dylan saying stuff like 'It was a mistake' and 'I don't care about what happened I only care about you.' You out your phone down and put your dishes in the sink.

You couldn't get away from this whole thing.

You walked up the stairs and sat in your room for a while just thinking to yourself.

When suddenly you heard the front door open and close.

"Y/n!" You heard Dylan call out from downstairs.

You could then hear his feet hitting the wooden stairs as you ran to the bedroom door and slammed it shut.

You locked it and leaned your back against it sighing.

You then heard Dylan lightly knock on it.

"Y/n, I know you're in there. And I guess your upset with me or mad at me and that's okay.

Because you have to shower or eat or come out sometime and I'm not leaving." You felt the tears leave your eyes and fall down your cheeks as you slid down the door and leaned against it still.

You sat on the carpeted floor sobbing and sniffling into your knees.

Meanwhile Dylan was on the other side in the exact same position but his legs were spread out.

"Babe...please just...open the door so I can see you." Dylan voice was soft and tender.

Dylan heard a click before he stood up and opened the door to an empty room.

He looked around and walked in as you quickly tried to run out past him but his arms were too quick as they reached out and grabbed you.

"Y/n, what's wrong? Why are you trying to get away from me?" He asked as you tried to get out of his grip but it was too hard.

"I. c-can't. d-do. t-this." You manage to get out through the tears.

"Y/n, yes you can." Dylan said as he cupped your face and kissed you lightly on the lips.

God how you missed those lips, you started kissing back as your arms wrapped around Dylan's neck making their way up to his hair where your tugged and pulled at the end causing him to moan into the kiss.

Dylan started walking forwards pushing you back onto the bed where he then hovered over you before he nuzzled his face into your neck.

You moaned as your hands still played with his hair and his hands were placed on your waist gripping every now and then.

The end.....

Book 2 of Dylan O' Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now