Clueless Thomas

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Third Person POV.

What else were you to do? You would try to flirt with him.

You would try to bring up the topic of crushes, and still he'd find a way around it. Newt always told you that he believed Thomas had a crush on you, but it was so hard to figure that out.

Thomas didn't show at all any signs of him possibly liking you.

There was a bonfire now, and you kept staring at him, wondering what was going on in his head.

A couple of times he caught your eye which would make you blush heavily.

The fire was something to stare at when both of you made eye contact for too long. It was until Gally came around that Thomas seemed to show a little bit of interest.

"Y/n, are you enjoying yourself?" He asked sitting on the log, next to you.

You laughed, "totally! If sitting around doing nothing counts as 'enjoying myself' then I am." Gally shook his head with a grin on his face, "Here, have some." He gave you some of his "famous Gally drink". You took a few sips then sighed. You didn't want to end up all woozy like last time.

He took notice, so he took it from you and dumped the rest on the ground. "Look, want to dance?" He voice was a little shaky, and when you turned to look at him, his cheeks were a bright red even in the dark.

You giggled, "There's no uh mu-" "Let's just dance with the rhythm of our hearts." You laughed loudly, "Yeah, okay." Gally stood up his back to Thomas and held out his hand.

Before you gracefully took it, you saw Thomas's eyes on the pair of you. You couldn't help but grin slightly.

It was after a few minutes of laughing and moving around that Thomas stepped in. Your head was on Gally's shoulder and you couldn't stop giggling. "I'm gonna take it from here, yeah?" Your stomach began to flutter.

Gally moved away with a frown, but then smiled when Newt called him over. Thomas's arm went around your waist and his other hand with you hand.

As you two danced with no music he whispered, "Gally, eh? I never knew you uh had a thing for him." His voice sounded strained.

You giggled some more, "I don't! I actually have feelings for this shank, who never sees how I feel about him."

"Oh.." Thomas's grip tightened slightly around you, "You can tell me? I mean I won't tell him anything.."

You had wanted him to be the first to confess, but now realized his feelings were probably not the same as he seemed to love talking to Teresa more than you--your heart suddenly sank.

You let go of Thomas and looked at him at shoulder length.

"Unrequited love sucks." You muttered.

"Tell me about it." Thomas said with a little frown.

"Hey, I'm sure Teresa will find an interest in you, I mean who wouldn't?" You said half heartedly.

"You think I like Teresa?"

You're the only other girl, this has got to be it..unless he likes a boy? I mean that would be okay too, but very disappointing.

"Is it a boy?" You said before you could think about it.

"Get a grip, Y/n! Do you not want me to like you?" His eyes widened slightly.

"Does that you mean?" He sighed, but smiled, "Yes, I like you. It's just a little hard telling you when you're unreadable.

I mean Newt told me that-" "Newt? He knew you liked me didn't he? He would tell me I should try because you probably felt the same."

"He said those same things to me!" You both laughed for a while before falling silent.

What was going to happen between you two?

"What next?" You said looking up at him.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" You smiled widely,

I'd love to.

The end.....

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