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The hatred for his wife was irreconcilable, and Feng Jingyu had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Feng Jingyu couldn't believe that he had forced Yu Han to such an extent, and that Yu Han could continue to endure it.

But Feng Jingyu waited in his office for a whole day, but failed to get any news about Yu Han.

Only his subordinates came to tell him midway that someone saw Yu Han leaving the company early and going to the racing club to play racing.

Feng Jingyu didn't quite understand Yu Han's brain circuit. Did he feel that there was no hope of making a comeback, so he just started to act?

Feng Jingyu decided to wait and see. If Yu Han still didn't have this consciousness, then he wouldn't mind visiting in person to give Yu Han a chance.

But on the third day, things took a big turn.

A top-notch well-known domestic media issued a clarification announcement in response to yesterday’s controversial incident of inferior raw materials at Shengjing Winery.

The announcement clearly lists the details of the materials used by Shengjing over the years and the specific time points. It can be clearly seen that in order to reduce costs, inferior raw materials were indeed used for a period of time.

The matter is irrefutable, and Shengjing Winery has no intention of avoiding it. Instead, it chooses to announce it directly, because the most important point is that since Shengjing was acquired by Xie's Enterprise, that batch has been used with inferior quality. The wine produced from raw materials is intensively destroyed and does not ultimately flow to the market.

Later details proved that there had been no use of inferior raw materials since then. The annual conformity report and a test certificate from the State Bureau of Quality Supervision were also attached at the bottom.

This series of materials is very difficult to collect because it takes a long time, and it cannot be forged in a short time. However, this inspection report from the Quality Supervision Bureau can be said to be very heavyweight evidence, enough to prove all Shengjing winery's products are qualified and of high quality on the market now.

In the announcement, an audio recording of about one minute was also attached.

There is a lot of noise in the recording, which may have been recorded accidentally, but you can still clearly hear the conversation between two men, and the content is closely related to this incident.

"Mr. Ji, do you really want to do this? Is it possible?..."

A man sighed: "Lao Zhao, you also know that the company's recent situation is not good. The market has been occupied by others. If we don't lower the price of raw materials, how can we make profits? I'm afraid we won't even be able to pay wages by then.”

Another person named Lao Zhao said: “But... how about we think of other ways? This is really not good. Right?"

"It's okay, it's just for a while, no one will find out, as long as we get through it, we won't do it anymore, only the two of us know about it." The man continued: "Just hide the detailed list of this formation and don't let anyone know about it."

The audio ended abruptly, but the most important information was revealed.

[Mr. Ji? Isn't it Mr. Yu?]

[It was found out that the former CEO of Shengjing was named Ji. He was later replaced after being acquired by Xie's Enterprise]

[No wonder they say the top management should be replaced. Shouldn’t such people be replaced?!]

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