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Since the demon king was kidnapped by Yu Han, the entire demon clan has been gloomy and shrouded in an atmosphere of depression.

Not long ago, Yu Han, who had been imprisoned in Innocent Purgatory, broke free from his shackles at some point, bloodbathed everyone in their demon clan, and even kidnapped their demon clan's supreme demon king!

The demon clan's vitality was severely injured and was severely hit. At this time, they gathered in the demon clan hall to discuss how to rescue the demon king from Yu Han's hands.

"The Demon King's hands and eyes can reach the sky, so he will be safe and sound!"

"Yes, in fact, we only need to go to pick up the Demon King. The Demon King must have a clever plan to escape!"

"But when Yu Han took away the demon king, the demon king didn't even have the power to resist...."


All the demons fell silent. The Demon King had no power to resist. He simply had no resistance at all.

They don't know where Yu Han learned the body-holding technique, but he was able to easily control their demon king.

Sure enough, Yu Han, who only cried and begged them to let him go, was just pretending to be Yu Han! Just to make them relax their vigilance, what a cunning trick!

Just as the demons were running around like headless flies, a young and energetic demon suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Stop talking, let's go straight to the Yumenguan! Let them hand over the demon king!"

"That's right, hand over the demon king!"

As soon as these words came out, all the demons immediately cheered.

Yu Han beat them up and even kidnapped their demon king, causing them to suffer such shame and humiliation. They must take revenge.

Just as the demon clan was getting ready to rush out of the demon palace and go to Yumenguan to rescue the demon king, they saw a group of people in the sky flying towards them quickly.

Thousands of people almost occupied the entire midair, holding various weapons and magic weapons in their hands. They were fierce and shouting: "Come on, defeat the demons and rescue the sect master!"

The demons: "?"


We want to find someone from you!

In the mountain forest with dense grass, Yu Han watched Xie Sixing hide his aura and change his body shape before taking Xie Sixing back to Yumenguan.

Three magnificent palaces stood in the middle of the top of Lingshan Mountain. Yu Han pointed to the one in the middle and said proudly, "That's my main palace."

Xie Sixing looked over and said, "It's very beautiful."

"Of course." Yu Han said: "As the master of Yumenguan, the future Emperor of Perak Continent should have a palace like this that matches my status!"

Xie Sixing smiled: "Does Master Yu want to show me around?"

Yu Han raised his eyebrows: "This is your honor."

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