chpt 223

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"Don't even go there." Selena sneers. You look up at Selena in annoyance. "Whatever." You mumble as you take a sip of your coffee. Demi awkwardly pulls out her phone and goes on it. Selena folds her arms and laughs as she shakes her head. "Ya know, no matter who Justins with...we all know who made him the way he is now." Selena says as she grins. You look at Selena confused. "What do you mean?" You ask. "Oh you know exactly what i mean." Selena says slowly as she bends down to you. "Sex." Selena whispers in your ear. Your hands ball into a fist and you quickly stand up causing Selena to back away. "Watch it bitch." You say angrily as you get in Selenas face. Everyone in the coffee shop was staring at you and Selena. "What? Im just speaking the truth honey." Selena says sweetly. Your fists start to turn white from clenching to hard. "*yn*. Just forget her." Demi says softly as she stands up. You ignore her. "You might wanna listen to her. You don't want to make yourself look bad in front of all these people." Selena whispers. Your nostrils flare up from anger as you look into Selenas eyes. You slowly back away from Selena and you look at Demi. "Lets go." You say softly to Demi. Demi nods her head and grabs the coffees. You both walk towards the front door. "Good choice. You dont want to ruin your future with Justin...or else you'll end up like your mom. Divorced and miserably single." Selena yells out. You suddenly stop before you walk out the entrance door. You slowly turn around with eyes as black as a coal. People continued to stare. You saw cameras and phones on you, but you ignored them. You walk towards Selena. "Don't ever talk about my mom." You say angrily. You were both face to face. You felt her breath breathing on you. "Or what?" Selena whispers with a smirk.

*yn* 's fairytale prt 2Where stories live. Discover now