chpt 260

41 3 0

You and Justin look at Fredo and laugh. After ten minutes of sitting and talking on the couch, the gatebell rang. Justin jumped off the couch and ran to the front door. "Food!" Alfredo yells. You and Alfredo silently sit on the couch. "I've been wanting to tell you this..." Alfredo says. You look at Alfredo and wait til he continues what he was gonna say. "You make Justin so happy..." Alfredo says softly as he plays with his fingers. A smile comes across your lips. "I've never seen anyone make him smile as much as you do." Alfredo says. "Im glad you guys are together. I really am...You guys are perfect together." Alfredo continues. Your speechless. You don't know what to say. "I hope you know he loves you more than anything in the whole world." Alfredo says. You smile and give Fredo a side hug. "Thank you. I really do love him too..." You reply. Alfredo smiles at you. Justin soon walks into the house. "Anyone order chinese food?" Justin yells from the front door. You pull away from Alfredo and you both stand up from the couch. "Over here! Got two starving kids that need to be fed!" Alfredo yells. Justin closes the front door and walks into the living room with bags. He sets the bags on the coffee table. You all dig in through the bags and grab your orders. Justin turns on the tv and goes on Netflix.You suddenly spot Magic Mike. "Magic Mike! Babe put on Magic Mike!" You say in excitment. "Noooo." Justin replies. "Why not?" You ask. "Cause." Justin says. "Cause us guys don't want to see male peepees flying everywhere." Alfredo says. You laugh. Justin continues to look through the movies. "How bout The Elf." Justin says and looks at you and Alfredo

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