chpt 310

54 2 0

Justins POV:
I watch *yn* as she sleeps on my shoulder. She's so cute when she sleeps. I smile down at her as she softly moans something in her sleep. I slowly look out the car window and spot the airport. The cab driver soon pulls up to the private jet we were going to fly on. The private jet was all ready, we just need to aboard it. The cab driver opens his car door and gets out. He slams the door hard behind him. I give him a dirty look as I watch him open the trunk. "Moron." I mumble. I look down to see if *yn* awoken from the noise of the slammed car door. Luckily she didn't. I slowly reach for the car door handle. I place my hand on it and lightly tug on it. I fling the car door open. The noise of the private jet's engine suddenly hit against my face. "Shit." I mumble. I look down at *yn*. She moved in her sleep and dug her head more into my neck. I lightly smile. I felt bad because I didn't want to wake her up. She didn't have a lot of rest and it was still early. As much as it kills me to disturb her rest, I had too. I slowly turned my body and faced her. I slipped my hands underneath her body, holding her tightly. *yn* slowly opens her eyes. She panicked for a bit. She sooncalmed down when she realized it was me carrying her. She closed her eyes again and rested her head on my chest. I slowly slid out of the cab with *yn* and stood on the cement. I started to walk and carry *yn* bridal style to the private jet. I climbed up the set of stairs that comes out from the jet. Inside the jet I was greeted by a lady flight attendant.

*yn* 's fairytale prt 2Where stories live. Discover now