chpt 252

75 2 0

You walk into the kitchen and you look through the kitchen cabinets. "Justin! Do you have any chocolate chip cookie mix?" You yell. Justin walks into the kitchen, fixing his pants. You look over at Justin and down at his pants. Your eyes widen when you see that he got a little too excited on the couch. You cover your mouth with your hand and softly giggle. "Ay! Dont you dare laugh! You did this to me!" Justin says with a grin and points to 'Jerry'. "I didn't do anything." You say innocently. "You led me on!" Justin says. You smile and continue to look in the cabinets. "What are you looking for again?" Justin asks. "Chocolate Chip Mix." You reply. "Uhh check the cabinet to your right." Justin says. You look into the cabinet and find it. You grab the mix and examine the ingredients you will need. You set the box down on the counter. You preheat the oven and you go into the fridge. You bend down and look for eggs and butter. When you find the eggs and butter, you close the fridge. You glance over at Justin who was staring at your ass. You chuckle and start to prepare. Justin sits up on the kitchen counter and watches you cook. Justin suddenly starts to sing a verse in his song, Love Me Like You Do. "I like how your eyes complementing your hair. The way that them jeans fit is making me stare." Justin sings. You look over at Justin. Justin winks at you. You smile and continue to cook. "Promise I'll be here forever, I swear. (Kissing on your neck while you) Love me like you do. Love me like you do. Like you do. Hold me tight and don't let go." Justin sings. "Thats a very sexy song." You say. "I know. I feel like I have so much swag when I sing that song." Justin says. You laugh. Justin continues to watch you cook. "Can you come and help me?" You ask. Justin hops off the counter and walks over to you. "What do you want me to do?" Justin asks. "Just roll the cookie mix into balls." You reply. You watch as Justin rolls the cookie mix. Justin places each cookie ball next to each other on the pan. "No!" You yell. Justin gets scared and stops. "You cant just place them next to each other. They need room when they grow in the oven." You say while fixing it. Justin continues to roll them. "No! Your making them too big!" You yell. Justin lets out a sigh. "This is why I dont cook!" Justin says. "No. Im sorry. Just make them a bit smaller." You say and kiss his cheek. Justin starts to roll the dough. You bite your bottom lip to keep you from complaining. " your making them to small." You say softly. Justin drops the dough and lets out a sigh. "Fine! You do it!" Justin says. "No! Im sorry! Im just trying to help." You cooed and smiled. Justin walks out of the kitchen.

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